Don’t Think, Don’t Assume

Don’t Think, Don’t Assume

Three Hawks: Wabi Sabi II new project, Working with Art Apps
Three Hawks: Wabi Sabi II new project, Working with Art Apps

Our Bodies Remember far better, surer, and quicker than our Minds.

When I just allow myself to be in the flow, unthinking, I turn on the correct switch, choose the right door, follow the true path, and cook the perfect egg. The exact tool comes to me as well as the accurate order of steps involved. When I don’t mess it up with ‘thinking’, life is easy, moves forward, and feels right. There is no doubt. Just the Doing of creative life, in Harmony with the Universe. This is living Wabi Sabi.

Assuming is another life stopping trait. Assuming what you ‘think’ you heard, saw, or believe, can change the course of life forever. Friendships can be broken, jobs lost, loves left by the wayside, when assumptions take precedent over accepting & allowing all on their path. If we must assume, let’s assume that everyone is doing the very Best Job they can in the moment, that all is really right with the world, and that we each are right where we’re supposed to be. We are the true creators of our life.

As I stood at 10 am outside the Health Food store, staring at the large sign of Hours 9-7, and beneath it in bigger letters: ‘Closed’, I was frozen to the spot. Lights on, no one to be seen inside, my ‘thinking mind’ went into ‘where are they?, when can I return? should I wait or go home? who knows when they will come????’ Emotions all over the place. I walked next door to look at the diamonds in the jewelry store when a young couple came along. They saw both signs, too. Instead of wavering….or thinking way too hard….they tried the door and disappeared! What?? I looked, then looked again. It certainly was OPEN. She just forgot to take down the sign. So stop Assuming and Thinking so hard, unless it propels you forward in happiness! Onward!

Wabi Sabi II: Your Photos + Art Apps= Original Art, is being created now. Classes will be offered in July. Learn more here.

Gaia: Digital Art with Art Apps
Gaia: Digital Art with Art Apps

Selfie done with Art Apps.
Selfie done with Art Apps.

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