Epiphanies Zinging Everywhere!

Epiphanies Zinging Everywhere!

My Poppies Painting
My Poppies Painting

My Life Reflects My Work.

As we’re Simplifying, being more flexible, insights hit like bolts of lightening! They are flowing in so fast, we can hardly keep up with them. Think it and the answer is there. One big one is that we seem to be excitedly headed for our Next Chapter in life. This morning I receive Elizabeth Gilbert’s newsletter saying that for them: “….it’s time to move on to the net chapter of our lives. Why? Because our favorite chapter is always THE NEXT CHAPTER!” I feel like she’s writing directly, personally to me. We feel as though everything we’ve ever done, every major choice, each big move, has led us to this time in our lives. It’s an inner transformation hitting both of us at every level.

My entire studio is shifting as I video a painting demo away from sitting at a low cramped table to standing at the easel. The work becomes freer, larger, and fresher instead of cramped, small, and precious. I create layers of texture, oil pastel, and assemblage while standing at a tall drafting table that hasn’t been well used in a long time. As I’m finding the words to personalize and bring each Wabi-Sabi concept into everyday life, insights specific to my thoughts flow in through emails, magazines, and even pinterest.

Flexibility is entering our exercise room! We each have gone over to doing more yoga, stretching, and moving DAILY instead of using the huge, bulky weight push, pull machine, because it feels so great. Movement in your body means movement in your life. We’ve JUST decided to dismantle the whole thing, get a great new carpet, and turn the space into our yoga room. All we really need are mats, the big ball, a foam roller, a small bench, and barbells. This is like such a turn around from where we were for years! Still hard to let go of the cardio treadmill and bike, but they can stay as long as we use them. It’s getting down what do we really use, what is really beneficial to who we are today, and let go of all the rest. Our approach to life is shifting. We eat more living food, raw food, and green drinks, keeping the wine/chicken/seafood for the week-end. Feels good.

We are much more aware of what our bodies need to feel the best, and that includes activities, as well as people. People are leaving our lives, and some we realize, we’ll never see again. It’s all beautiful and profound, since we are no longer the people we used to be. All is good. All is very Wabi-Sabi.

Oh So Very Wabi-Sabi!
Oh So Very Wabi-Sabi!


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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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