Fall Equinox Magic Energy

Fall Equinox Magic Energy

Fall Equinox Magic Energy sacred geometry personal symbol purple star, spiral, 4 crescent moons, going deeper within
Sacred Geometry Personal Symbol

There’s More Magic in the World Than You Think

Fall Equinox Magic Energy flows strong. The Energies of Magic are everywhere. Before anything manifests in our world, it begins in the hidden, invisible realms of energy.

As we move forward to our September Harvest Full Moon and Fall Equinox, we again feel a pause in the Universe. Our First Magic becomes our majestic Sun, balanced between the Summer and Winter Solstices. It holds at the celestial equator, hovering between the north and south hemispheres. Therefore, this literally becomes a changing time in the air, the world, and us.

My Second Magic, living here in New England with the end of summer upon me, is the inner journey to rekindle my spark. Therefore, the Fall Equinox Magic Energy of Earth, is personal. Where will my Art take me in this shift? What herbs reveal themselves to nurture me through the seasons? What stars guide my path through new adventures and experiences? As Earth turns within to nurture Her seedlings, I seek my fire starter, my inner flame to show me the way.

The Third Magic comes from knowing Sacred Geometry connects us all at the cellular level. In addition, the Language of Light entangles us together in our thoughts, words, and deeds. My Soul Fire ignites when connected lovingly with others. We spiral along, accepting each on our path, encouraging bravery in choices, and opening doors to new opportunities. My path glows with truths and insights, as ideas are exchanged with my tribe of Artists. We connect with open hearts, and laugh a lot!

Finally, Fall Equinox Magic Energy is ancient and deep with each of us. But, Soul Fire must be nurtured, especially as seasons change. I stoke my fire by seeking the scary path. I choose the scary path of putting myself out into the world, meeting new people, and broadening my horizons with unknowns. Be vulnerable, be a risk taker. Also, some choices are made in the moment. My fire gets brighter as I honor my people with me on this wondrous journey. Never forget those who love you best, or encourage you constantly. I’ll also add new adventures like exploring the highly recommended Apothecary in town. Never stop learning.

I feel the Fall Equinox Magic herald an evening chill in the air. While I gaze at nights filled with stars, the Full Harvest Moon accompanies me on my journey.


Full Moon Of Long Nights

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