Feast of Light Ancient Traditions

Feast of Light Ancient Traditions

Feast of Light ancient home
Flame of Coming Home

Feast of Light Ancient Traditions are Personal too

Feast of Light, gathering together during the longest, darkest nights of the year, is ancient. It’s memory is held deep withing our DNA, inherited from the Ancestors. First of all, this time of Autumn flowing into Winter, Water into Earth, brings us home on a deep feeling level to our true selves and to our tribe. Furthermore, for me, this is one of the most magical times of the year. I see the World celebrate the triumph of Light over Darkness for new life, prosperity, and good fortune. Also, as a time of personal focus, love, and peace, it lays the groundwork for my future life.

Feast of Light is a time of Dreaming. Jean Huston calls the Dreamtime ‘the depth world flowing through this world. It is always and it is never, a time that never was and is always happening. It is the force that spiritually maintains the world and has to be constantly recreated through ritual, meditation, and prayer, if the world, the clan, and the self are to be renewed.’ For us, it’s an opportunity to be aware as we  consciously connect with others on a soul level. As we set intentions and journal our dreams, we chart our course for the coming year. Consequently this becomes the Great Work, the setting of the Life Path for our journey.

Ancient civilizations have given us the lighting of candles for the 8 days remembering of Hanukkah. A similar ritual has Christians lighting 4 Candles of Advent, one each for the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas. In addition, some of the oldest European and Celtic traditions have the Yule Celebration honoring the rebirth of the Sun God. Rituals of feasts, holiday dress, giftgiving, and storytelling abound in each of our lives. I remember taking my daughter to the Arboretum near Chicago for the Burning of the Yule Log, hot cider, and roasted chestnuts.

The Feast of Light is personal, too. This is the week of the blazing birthday cake of my past. While my birthday is Dec. 5th, along with my late brother Jim, our youngest brother Tom celebrates Dec. 4. I remember one, huge, pan layer cake, decorated with a personal Happy Birthday greeting to each of us. I can see it now, many candles, wishes, and blessings.

As I throw another log on fire, I honor the Feast of Light, thanking the Yule God for the warmth, family, and friends in my life. I’m grateful for the Nordic 12 days festival, the original Feast of Light, where today we can feast without the Wild Hunt, nor be ruled by the Yule God Odin. Today’s Feast begins with a blessing of sacrificial burning ‘santo paulo’ sticks to smoke the energy of our home. Later, I come home to my self as I remember the love of my ancestors, ground myself in the beauty of now, and dream of all possibilities in the New Year.  Therefore, I gather my pieces and gently move forward with a lightness of Being. I wish the same to you.

Read more of Jean Houston in her The Possible Human. Some Yuletide rituals to enrich your life. Journey to the “Dreamtime”  Mystery School of Art is open to join us anytime.

Feast of life tradition
An Nontraditional Advent Prayer by Rudolph Steiner

Feast of Light traditions
Our Yule Tree

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