Finding Your Personal Sanctuary

Finding Your Personal Sanctuary

finding your personal sanctuary turquoise pool wate stream mountains
Deep Still Pool, The Inner Sanctuary

Finding Your Personal Sanctuary is necessary for balance in a busy world. Our sanctuary is a quiet place to listen deeply to the whispers of knowing and inspiration that come our way. We so often use our eyes to see the world ‘clearly’. Yet that isn’t the only, and possibly not even the best sense to touch the inner intuition and inner knowing.

I have one sacred place in a corner of our bedroom. It’s a nice size area where I have a comfy chair and a small table holding pictures of beaches, far away places, and prayer cards. There’s room for an incense burner, a bowl for wishes, and a vase of feathers to carry me to airy lands. All this sits on a purple cloth covered in spirals.

I breathe deeply, close my eyes, and sometimes imagine the drumming that would carry me on an inner journey. Insight is a great word for the images that flow through my being. There’s another world there, filled with spirit animals, symbols, and messengers.

Finding Your Personal Sanctuary is going home, to a safe place.

This weekend held a wonderful Art Fair that had been postponed for two years. Whole families came, all masked and protected, even though it was held outdoors. Everyone was just happy to be out in the crisp Fall air, to view the beauty, creativity, and ambiance of artists and their work. It was a day of much walking in the hot sun and cool shadows.

I enjoyed visiting with some artist friends of mine and seeing their latest creations. 156 Artists from around the country, connected with their fans and made sales throughout the day. Shuttle buses took us back to our car. Then onto lunch at our favorite restaurant. It was a long energetic day.

Once home, I entered my safe place to be, the peace of my studio. Surrounded by my art, my journals, and media, I was able to replenish my soul. The painting above, the Deep Still Pool is symbolic of my sanctuary. I don’t have to be near the soothing water physically to create the feeling on my paper and in my spirit. I felt an inner quiet fill me, as colors mingled on the page, flowing in sweet serenity with feelings that have no words.

The Deep Still Pool is that place of the Unknown. Enter into it without agenda, without a destination, and allow the art to create itself. Creativity, writing, painting all bring you into your own land of discovery and truth. Imagine the world you want to live in here. Go there to balance the energy of the world, and bring your body back into alignment with your spirit.

I’ve read of a man on death row for a crime he didn’t commit. The cell was small, and the guards would speak about him as if he wasn’t there. But he received a card from a stranger, that shifted his thinking. She wished him well and prayed for his release. This raised his spirit and hope in humanity so much that he entered into his inner knowing.

He clearly realized that he lives within his own private world, his sanctuary. They could imprison his body but not his mind and spirit. Until they take his life away, he was his own person. Then everything shifted. He was taken off death row, and eventually found innocent. Being free was a rebirth to new life.

So what would your personal sanctuary look like? It can be a room filled with colors that sooth you, music that inspires you, and images that carry you to another world. But even a corner of a room, ideally somewhere that is quiet, where you can be alone with your feelings. Maybe it’s at a certain time of the day when others are asleep. Your sanctuary is your inner journey place to breathe, create, and dream. Tell me about it below.

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