Fresh Start, Early Spring New Moon Rituals
Fresh Start time again! We’re so lucky that we can begin anew, in sync with Nature, the World, and our own body clocks. Furthermore, it’s our time to be like the popping buds on the trees, and awaken consciously to new beginnings.
Fresh Start Early Spring is the Earth renewing Herself. First of all, in Ancient Times, this was the Goddess Persephone, returning from her half year in the Underworld. She is the Maiden, the young one just starting her life of adventure and growth. Moreover, with Her comes soft breezes, blooming flowers, and gentle rains. New Growth signals an opportunity for us to be the Inner Child again. Remember jumping into situations with no pause, no fear, and no doubts?
My Fresh Start begins with inspiring Art & Craft Shows. In addition, this often requires a physical journey to somewhere. For this reason I’m taken out of the ordinary, and plunged into a new city, environment, and experience. Also, I talk to wonderfully creative artists from all over the country. Their art portrays their lives, their land, and their moment in time. Each is on their own path of Self Discovery. Their Stories and Art enrich my heart and soul.
Secondly, fresh start rituals, especially at New Moon time, open the door to the unexpected. More spontaneous events happen as you look for new adventures. Acting on impulse, surprising someone with a smile and a real caring interest in their lives, creates new opportunities to grow, learn, and broaden your horizon. As a result, we were invited to an artists historic home and studio this summer. What a welcome and truly surprising highlight of our trip.
Thirdly, a Fresh Start is going with the Flow. Imagine feeling protected, embracing life, and pursuing some crazy heart’s desire. Above all, this is trusting in your Inner Self, and accepting your choices in all you do. Staying open to life is living in joy. This is your personal gift to your Self, no matter what the world is doing.
In conclusion, begin your own Fresh Start and become your Inner Child. What would inspire you at this moment of time? Where can you go, what can you do, to open the door to adventure, exploration, and discovery? To whom can you open your heart? Hearts are fools for love, surprises, and a box of chocolate. This is the path to finding your True Self. Enjoy every step of the journey.
Take a monthly art class with us at Journey to the Dreamtime, Mystery School of Art. You’ll have thoughts to ponder and make art as a souvenir of the journey.

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