Full Moon Healing

Full Moon Healing

                                                  Full Moon Healing

 Moving Past Numb & into Healing.

Life is always like this. As we’re in the middle of meeting good friends, falling in love, experiencing adventures, and facing challenges, it slaps us with the reality of the end game and stops us cold in our tracks. Everything is such a fragile and fleeting moment in time. As I pray for the souls lost, for healing to all the people involved, and for refuge for islanders without a home, I’m always drawn back to what heals me.

In changing times, I’m lured to the light, the sun on my face, the rays flickering on the ocean. Colors pull me in, like the dark indigo of the deepest part of the sea, and the turquoise of the reflecting sandy bottoms in bays. Most of all, it’s the landscape, the distant mountains, the open waters, the miles of forest, stretching out as far as the eyes can see. A Universe of stars, velvet black filled with millions of points of light, mesmerize and seduce me into their own reality. This is home. I breathe deeper, stay longer, and lose myself in the vastness of the wild places. They are filled with power and energy far greater than anything we can imagine.

As we enter into yet another Full Harvest Moon, I recall the magical lands I have seen, but especially the connections to the people who lived there. It’s always about the people, the love, the challenges enmeshed in the lands forever. Earth keeps changing, shifting, altering the horizon, and through it all, the people endure.

What hurts one of us hurts us all, as we are brought together again in our grief and humanity. This is life changing in the most profound way. Moving past ‘there are no words’, healing begins when we give voice to our emotions. Saying them out loud, writing them down, and sharing with loved ones our deepest hurts, anger, and fears, helps to purge our pain. Action is the key. Do whatever we can to break through the numb and into the flow. Find a place of stillness and solitude to integrate your emotions and feelings. Let the magic of Old Earth, wind and waves, light and depth, bring you home. Seek rituals that heal, words that comfort, donations to aid the suffering, and laws to protect us all. Honor the Heroes among the us, who bravely step forward to save others. We belong to this land for a brief time, and it’s our place to share, dream, and grow together in love. Find your own inner peace, light, and love…and then give it away. Let go of all you can not fix, and move forward in all within your power.

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