Full Moon of extremes calls for being aware in every way.
So many things can happen during a full day of travel! Just driving to the airport had a young driver suddenly come up a ramp to the highway at full speed, trying to merge! We saw him in time, but quite a jolt to our leisurely beginning!
We stayed overnight nearby to easily catch a dawn patrol flight. Everyone was great at the security check-in. Flights were smooth. i was so happy to return to Santa Fe, the land of big skies, art, and mountain beauty everywhere! i always thought I could live there!
The Plan was to get in early to Albuquerque, meet a good friend, Elise, for lunch at a great hacienda, then drive up to Santa Fe. We had dinner reservations at 7:00. Energy shifted at the rental car place. They had cars, but their fuel tanks were down. It may be a 40 min. wait. How strange! We have to return the car with a full tank or face a huge fine!
Later, with people backing up, no one getting a car, after 1 1/2 hours, we and others, spoke up! Then they said their computer had gone down, and they’re working on it. When someone said so much for customer service, one of their guys started yelling at the waiting crowd, threatening, belligerently, that we can go to another company.
Well, we got a car quickly after that. But we assumed it had gas in it! We got as far as the highway rest stop! Thank goodness our good Elise came to the rescue 45 min. later with 2 containers of gas! So, we lost our wonderful planned lunch, but got to see our Angel friend anyway!
Full moon of extremes wasn’t done with us!
We get to Santa Fe, quickly buy groceries, unload in the casita, and start to walk to the restaurant. At the first corner, a big guy on a big bicycle came at us on the the sidewalk. He skidded sideways, just missing us, sayin he was so sorry & should have been on the street! We would have had some serious damage!
Shaken, but OK, we continued onward. Plus, a fiesta filled the plaza with families, band on stage, food venders everywhere, but we got to the dinner with two minutes to spare! Then the host said, after checking the seating chart, we have the Best table in the house for you!
We had to talk! The Universe kept us from getting to our destination early, for a reason! At the rest stop, we surrendered! We saw the beauty of the trees, birds, mountains, and watched people coming and going. Clean bathrooms, nice people, and we weren’t stranded on the dangerous highway. There were Angels balancing out the dark side. But the angry ones were also angels, in their own way.
At the end, we walked out of the restaurant to see the Full Moon over the church. All truly was well in every way! I’m right where I’m supposed to be!
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