Gathering to Create Art Brings Me Home to Myself

Gathering to Create Art Brings Me Home to Myself

Gathering to create art woman in doorway pinks yellows graffiti Roma arch
Standing on the Threshold of the Mystery

We gather to come home, to Re-member Our scattered pieces, to Bring Ourselves back to Wholeness.

Gathering to create art, we enter our sanctuary, our safe haven, our personal space. Here we can say whatever is on our mind and what matters most to us, as we imagine our world of love. First of all, gathering to create art means saying ‘No’ to something else that would have filled the day. This is a declaration that Your Time, Your Energy, Your Power is now totally given to Your Self! Therefore, You are the important one this day, at this ripe, creative time. That’s Big. Gathering to create art is your special quiet time, a time to arrange your thoughts, focus, and life.

Secondly, gathering to create art gives me permission to listen to my instincts, my gut. Here I can make a stand, and develop Trust in my intuition. Because I create art with meaning, I therefore develop my inner landscape as I creatively overcome obstacles. I find answers to life issues. The more I recognize my body saying this is right for me, the more confidence I have in the outside world. I know, my body knows, what it needs. I don’t want to be too busy to hear my inner messages for my body, mind, and soul.

Thirdly, gathering to create art forms a community of supportive, artistic creatives. We drive down the magical tree lined arched road, walk past the lush lavender edged stones, and climb to the tree house studio. We enter the No Time Space to replenish, refill, and recharge our optimism, energy, and power.

Furthermore, entering your home studio holds all the same magic. After a day of creativity, you return to the busyness of the world, the emails, the making dinner, with a different perspective. You have another piece of your puzzle that is you, to ground you, and to recall your inner wisdom. Therefore, all this comes back with you into the everyday world. Doing Art, being in nature, and gathering in the cycles of the Moon, renews you.

Finally, while we love being the supportive parent, the understanding lover, the caring friend/advisor/confidant, gathering to create art brings you home to your Self. As we play many roles in life, we know deep within our roots, that we must carve out ‘My Time’ to replenish and feed our souls. As a result, gift yourself with personal time, long segments of creativity, and release from the everyday world. Give yourself permission to come Home to Your Self. Gather your pieces, your thoughts, worries, concerns for others, and focus on loving, nurturing, and being present for You. Re-make your spirit and find your wholeness. Bath in the Starlight, and Bask in the Moon. See the Magic that is all around you, waiting to be engaged.

Join us at the Journey to the Dreamtime Mystery School of Art to carry yourself through the seasons, dance in the cycles of the Moon, and create Art from your Soul. And check out this interesting article about the Healing Power of Art.

Gathering to create art Guardian Angel Castel Sant Angelo Roma Italy
Guardian Angel, Castel Sant Angelo, Rome splendor

Gathering to create art Roma rooftop big sky glory
Rome Rooftop Beauty, Inspiration, Big Sky Love

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