Creativity is Vital to Balancing our Thoughts with our Feelings.
Creating Art, writing, journaling, annotating lyrics and melodies are major to integrating all information into ways of living life. When you hear wonderful concepts, see amazing role models, learn about approaches to live a happy fulfilled life, the way to make it your own, to build it into your lifestyle, is through the arts. Drawing it, singing it, dancing it, writing it, giving it color, images, and movement, integrates it into your body, your memory, your ‘go to’ way to live, like nothing else can.
It’s amazing to hear kids today loving, singing, dancing to songs like “Let it Go”, “Happy”, and “Try”. The messages are deep, yet with music, they are presented in a way to feel the words, vibrate with the melodies, and allow the concepts to sink deep into their core.
Coloring for adults has become a major pastime, stress reducer, and pleasurable form of relaxation for all ages across the board. There’s something about ‘doing it yourself’ that opens up all the senses leading to shifts in thinking, aha moments, and brilliance. Doing Art always brings you back to yourself. It’s pulling away from what you’re supposed to be, and just Being your true self.
Some great books about these concepts are written by Brene’ Brown. Her books The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, and Rising Strong speak of the ‘shame’ of not living up to others expectations, and losing our Selves in the process. ‘Wholehearted living’ starts with Self Worth. Creativity is also her way to bring this all home, to connect with your inner Creator Self, and discover your value. So get out those crayons, put on some music, paint, sing, and create your way to wellness, joy, and freedom.

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