Shimmering Colors, Symbolic Shapes, Sound and Focus Create Healing Mandalas Magic
What is Healing Mandalas Magic? How does making a Mandala heal the body? I wanted to know. I had read about amazing healing results on many sites. While a cancer healing, a successful surgery, and psychological fragmentation made whole, were written in detail by doctors and researchers, how did this Healing Mandalas Magic happen?
First of all, I did discover that in just thinking about healing my lower back pain and throat congestion, images spontaneously appeared before I even began drawing. I ‘knew’ a turquoise Om had to be in the center. I wasn’t sure what that even looked like, so I did some research. It’s a wonderful symbol, so I started with that. Secondly, as I worked, a throbbing red triangle kept coming up in my mind’s eye to represent my lower back pain. When I thought about my throat, a blue circle, another sacred symbol, emerged spontaneously in my dream vision and artwork. These were leading me to wholeness and a kind of rebirth through the clear imagination. They seem to generate naturally from my own unconscious mind.
Furthermore, in the real world, a mother and baby hawk were loudly flying low through our trees, over our deck, every morning. I know they stand for seeing the big picture and getting a bird’s view over my problem. I added them to symbolize the four directions, along with some spirit animals I use in my paintings. Each is a power Animal, with a capital A, holding the qualities of their species.
Also, this was the time of the Blood Moon and New Moon, my favorite way to keep connected to the cycles of Nature, so they were added. I worked in this way, with symbols and colors, especially violet, and golden metallic rays of vibrating energy, flowing into my psyche. My Healing Mandalas Magic had a life of its own.
In addition, as I think back about the making of it, I realized that from the first time I drew the Om, I had been thinking or saying the Om sound throughout the whole process. I had to take that into consideration as a part of the creative healing process.
As a result, the lower back pain disappeared, my throat relaxed, and I realized that was the key to healing. As my body relaxed, energy seemed to flow, blockages dissipated, and I felt great. Thinking it, Knowing it, won’t make it so. The hands on Doing of the art, with color, trusting images from my imagination, humming the Om nearly unconsciously throughout, all shaped my physical body in some mysterious way. I’d highly recommend the technique. You’ll never know how you’re shifting the invisible world of energy, or how you’re creating Healing Mandalas Magic in the process, unless you Do it.
A great resource is Judith Cornell’s, “Mandala”, 1994. Join us to experience the Magic for yourself, Journey to the Dreamtime Online.

I LOVE this, and the ‘Magic Flows Secret World’ articles. Both inspire me for the August 2018 issue of The Inner Voice.
So glad you connected with it, Nancy. Thanks so much for your great comment. I appreciate it!
In Spirit, Pat
Pat, Time got away on me and now I am looking to get “Mandalas” into the September issue. Would love one for the cover! 🙂