Just returned from an inspiring Santa Fe journey.
Santa Fe, NM, is all about big sky country, high desert pinon & juniper, and fantastic art! We walked the Plaza, ate at Pasquales, and toured the galleries, taking in all the sites, scents, and feelings intrinsic to Santa Fe. An Art Show was going on in the center of town, as the locals celebrated the burning of Zozobra to start the Labor Day Fiestas.
Zozobra, a 50′ tall bogeyman/marionette, holds all the worries & troubles of the townspeople, and has been going up in fire & smoke, arms flailing, mouth gaping, eyes rolling, since 1924. He is Old Man Gloom who holds all the troubles of the past year, and takes them with him in a glory of fireworks, as a Spirit Dancer ushers in the clean fresh start of a new year. The Fiesta, which has been celebrated since 1712, goes on with art, food, gatherings, and music.
There are certain galleries and artists we never miss. One is Tom Ross Gallery, with the amazing animal art of Rebecca Haines. We loved her work the last time we came, and this time we were lucky enough to meet her. ‘Holy Alliance’ is one of my favorites. She proceeds to tell me she relates deeply to Deer just as I’m saying I closely relate to Raven. Very interesting… holy alliance, indeed. I love the vivid colors, loose flowing sure lines, and of course, the eyes. These portrayals have soul.
We enjoyed gallery openings, wine and cheese artist presentations, and especially connecting to the many artistic creatives living their dream. It’s like traveling to another country, an adobe fairyland of turquoise and terracotta, weavings and pottery filled with ancient symbols, and with people who love where they live and live from the heart.

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