Home of the Sparrow

Home of the Sparrow

HomeOfTheSparrow 65% of the Residents are Children

During this deep hibernation time of the year, we each find ways to escape the consuming ‘have-to’ parts of life, and my sister is a volunteer for the wonderful Home of the Sparrow. This particular non-profit in McHenry County, Illinois, with many locations in several states, helps homeless women and children to survive, transition into independent living, and eventually thrive in our changing world. Terese is in charge of gathering donations for their fund-raiser coming up in May, 2015. Check it out here:   http://www.hosparrow.org/events/gala-and-organ-concert-give-my-regards-to-broadway/

We are all into survival with dignity in one way or another. Some of us seek companionship, some food on the table, others jobs or shelter. Connection, realizing the connection we all have with each other, is the first step to lifting us all up in consciousness and love. Any time we can pull ourselves out of our own pain, sadness, or routine, and extend a helping hand to anyone, we expand ourselves, open our hearts, and shift the energy to moving forward.

One of the events at the Gala is a silent auction. My husband works for Fuji Holding, known for their film and cameras, but now extending out like a beacon to everything from x-ray equipment and films, to traveling virus antidote buses, is donating one of their higher end cameras. I’m donating a pair of earrings. We each do our part, however small, which is SO appreciated by these wonderful people at Home of Sparrow. If you want to feel deep gratitude for all you have in life, just read some of the stories about the families here: http://www.hosparrow.org/friends/. Truly a way of surviving with dignity.

Part of the Secret Garden line of jewelry.
Part of the Secret Garden line of jewelry.


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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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