Trust the Process, Going Deeper
As the weather channel makes camp just 30 min away, the Nor-Easter blankets my world with heavy, wet snow. It’s the perfect studio day, a Maker’s day, a day to go inward and seek the treasure that will transcend me and my art to a new level.
I loved when a director at the Oscars said something like, ‘you touch the extraordinary by doing the ordinary’. There’s another world waiting to be found for each of us. I’ve seen it, and I seek it often. It’s the land where the magic of inspiration lives and thrives. It’s the home of the Muse. There I seek the gold, the hidden treasure that is reached, not by thinking, but by doing. A good friend and great artist always said, ‘Trust the Process’.
I gently put aside my chattering monkey mind, the one that organizes, questions, and doubts. That one will be fine later, when it’s time to decide which techniques to offer as a class or what to put in an e-book. But the thinker is not wanted during the Creative Moment. I take a step back and observe what Eckhart Tolle calls ‘the thinker’, the one who has all the answers based on the past, the compulsive one, the one separate from the world, the one who compares, labels, judges, and creates walls between me and every other living creature in the grand illusion.
Instead I choose the Artist Path, the entering of the Dreamtime, the place where Being lives. There consciousness connects me to every living thing, from plants, trees, and animals, to every sentient being in every dimension. This is the place of feelings, No Time, and surprising discoveries. This is where the Me lives, who is able to watch the Thinker as though she is an actor on a stage. Art Activates this experience. The Doing triggers a different level of awareness. Ideas for entire next paintings come to me, whole concepts of new directions appear like a roadmap, and an intelligence envelops everything far vaster than just thought.
“You also realize that all the things that truly matter–beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace– arise from beyond the mind. Your begin to awaken.” Eckhart Tolle, “The Power of Now”.
I’m creating new classes: Journey To The Dreamtime so we can all find our way to this magical place. Ways to join me in the studio will be coming soon. Learn to become the Maker, how to get deeper into Flow, and open the doors to amazing adventures through doing Art in all its forms. Playshops show me my true Self, give me my Personal Voice, and carry me into the mystical place of Flow.

I’m so excited to hear you’re creating a new class and especially about in-studio opportunities!
What you speak of here about how creativity and inspiration bloom miraculously from normal moments, and from the making, really resonates.
Thanks so much, Cary! These will be New Moon Gatherings and I’m seeking my core group who are drawn to the work. This is all about using Art as a catalyst, a tool, to find our personal voice, our direction for the month, and create a community around art. Living the Force of Love, Living Artfully is in everything we do. New Moon St. Patty’s Day would be auspicious, but coming up fast! Right now I’m looking at April 14th, the Sat closest to New Moon, 10:00-4:00, I provide supplies. I’ll keep you informed of updates since it is truly a work in progress. Working on sample projects now. It will be fun! I’m excited that you’re excited!!!
Oh wonderful!!!