Imagine Living for 115 yrs

Imagine Living for 115 yrs

New Moon Visitation, Hawk, oil paint
New Moon Visitation, Hawk, oil paint

Delicate tips of our DNA control our inner Biological Clock.

Scientists are closer than ever to cracking the longevity code held in our DNA. These tips of chromosomes in every cell are called Telomeres. The longer our telomeres, the healthier, stronger, and longer our lives. Each time a cell divides, the telomere gets shorter, until it’s a tiny nub. Scientists now know that short telomeres lead to age-related diseases. But there are ways to lengthen those tips to create an enriched, healthy life.

Reduce the stress. Caregivers especially must learn to balance out their responsibilities with exercise, time in Nature, and yoga or meditation. Sit less, move more. Humans weren’t made to sit. Going for a walk outside relieves many problems, and doing it with a buddy is even better. Discern when to step away from the news, the opinions, the toxic input of social media. Delegating work loads, asking for help, and eliminating deadlines whenever possible strengthens DNA. Get away from stressful environments. Turn fear and anxiety into excitement and adventure. So much is what we think it is.

Connect with loved ones. A healthy sex life helps relationships and builds feelings of security, creating a safe haven to be yourself. Laughing with family, sharing good memories, socializing with friends (actual people) promotes well-being and gets you out of yourself.

Finally, skip the junk food. The enzyme in broccoli, cucumbers, cabbage, and endame gives energy, controls blood suger, keeps weight down, and improves eyesight. Switch out processed/packaged foods for real whole living fruits and vegetables, organic whenever possible. Berries, artichokes, oranges, peppers, kale, almonds, spinach and sweet potatoes are delicious & good for you. Eating healthy is a way of life, as well as limiting TV, taking the stairs, and catching up with a friend, to strengthen the telomeres & provide a good quality of life.

Fascinating information can be found from a National Geographic Project to find the longest living cultures and learn their secrets. See the places and find out their similarities at the  “Blue Zones”

So keep having fun, laughing, and eating your way to longer telomeres for a long, healthy life. I know I am!

Red Lady with Rabbit, play with those pets for inner peace
Red Lady with Rabbit, play with those pets for inner peace
Angels Over Paris, get out with friends & Explore!!
Angels Over Paris, get out with friends & Explore!!


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