Inspire Your Mornings

Inspire Your Mornings

MyNotebooksTEXTBe aware of New Ideas Flowing In!

As you comb your hair, brew your coffee, make your breakfast, have a notebook handy to write down any inspired thoughts that flow in from the ‘Other Side’. Just creating this attitude of Expecting inspiration, gets it flowing. You see, the mundane things we do, take showers, wash our hair, even do our exercises, all occupy rational Monkey Mind, the mind that is the Do-er, so that it leaves us alone & opens us to new doors of perception. It’s like being in a Waking Dream. Here are the bits of remembered night dreams, inspired words, new images for art, & uniquely creative different approaches to life challenges. Look for them and they will be there.

I keep notebooks handy to write down there thoughts, these images. They can be pretty surprising sometimes. They seem to be especially abundant in the morning, the first minutes after waking up. Putting on the news or checking your email will pretty much destroy this magic time in the early hours. So stick to your ‘habits without thinking’ and consciously be the receiver of any ‘out there’ ideas. Your intuition is constantly revealing wonderful new potentials to you, but often the ‘day’ activities cloud them over.

The Prime Time to hear the messages coming in is before life gets too complicated. Sometimes, I’ll get great ideas while driving, and I know some friends who keep a recorder with them in the car to not miss any insights. I was never one for writing out 3 ‘morning pages’ of stream of thought, but if that works for you, great! Some people write at the top of each page their ‘desired for that day feelings’, like ‘happiness, joy, peace, a calm heart, flow’ and then proceed to let the hand write almost automatically whatever it wants….also not a lot of thinking going on here, which is GOOD!  Whatever works for you. Ask a question at night and write down the answer in the morning. The key is to record it in some way. This method of accessing insights can almost disappear as quickly as a dream, so jot them down. It’s a great way to address your Inner Self, and sets the tone for your Outer Doing Self. A balanced life is always a great thing!



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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

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