Just show up…..
Paint in hand, taking a chance, willing to experience new things, calls your Creative Life into being. Become a co-creator to your own personal artistic expression. Start doing, not thinking. Bring yourself to the table with media in hand and an open mind, to see what surprises Inspiration has in store for you.
Develop Trust in the process. The inspired work flows through you from Source. The great possibilities are there in the invisible realms, seeking someone to connect and manifest them into the world. Be that artist, that creator, who touches the Unknown and creates wonderful art. You create a magic moment in time as you co-create with the Great Mystery.
Bonus projects like the painting above are being added to the 4 week course, Wabi Sabi Alchemy, beginning Feb. 29. This is your time to step up to the creative play we all have within us. Join us….. http://artisticwaytoenlightenment.com/

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