Intuition is the Key

Intuition is the Key

Intuition is the Guide on the inner journey, photos + art apps class:
Intuition is the Guide on the inner journey, photos + art apps class:

The Inner Voice: develop it, use it, trust it.

The biggest defense and protection each of us has these days is our intuition, our inner voice, our bodily feelings. These have kept us alive up to now. Our ancestors had fine tuned these abilities to heighten all the senses. Listening to Instinct is, and has always been, a life or death maneuver. It’s time to reclaim this ability consciously in all we do. Living in mindfulness, being flexible, not going blindly forth with a crowd, creates a unique energy around our souls, our bodies, and our core.

Everything is either acid or alkaline… music, food, places, gatherings. Each carries it’s own emotional energy that can be felt if you stop to feel it, sense it, experience it. Tuning in to what is right for you makes all the difference. Do not be sucked up into overwhelm. Always seek the inner calm, subtle peace, the deep feeling, so you can zoom into the right direction for yourself, like a compass arrow.

Interesting that working with Artistic Applications, Art Apps, helps develop these abilities in major ways. You need to make fast decisions about whether you like a unique image or not, since you may never duplicate it in quite the same way again. Each filter, combination, color choice, changes everything. It’s fast, and involves so many choices that unless you keep a written record, each becomes a one of a kind image. It takes skill to create real beauty and know when to stop to save a unique masterpiece.

For me, this is a surprising and enjoyable aspect of the process. These techniques are fascinating, have an element of randomness, and give me amazing ‘wow’ moments, regularly. This is creative play at its finest. When you follow your Intuition, and then Take Action, miracles happen………everywhere. Classes going on now at

Art App Other World
Art App Other World
Map of the Inner Journey, art apps
Map of the Inner Journey, art apps

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