January New Moon Intentions: Sowing Seeds
January New Moon Intentions hold Power. I love the Moon. Following Her in all Her Faces throughout the year, is magic. But Setting Intentions by Her New Moon Phases each month changes everything. I become Bear and go within my den of Self to see what needs changing. Especially in January, I look at my health, my creativity, and my relationships, to seek ways to intentionally shift my actions to create my Perfect Life. If I don’t change, nothing changes. Intentions lead to Actions. Just saying, ‘I intend____’ sends a chill through my body of force, dedication, and focus.
First, January New Moon Intentions remind me that HEALTH is one segment I can always improve upon. I’ve been fasting for 12 hrs a day. If I stop eating at 8:00 pm, I don’t break my fast again until 8:00 am. While I’m filled with energy, I’m also more aware of what I eat and how long I sleep.
Add exercise to healthy eating for the dynamic duo. While dancing leads the list, walking/weight training are close behind. I alternate the treadmill with weights and aim for 6 days of movement a week. Furthermore, fasting and exercise allows my body to flow into a natural cycle of assimilation and digestion without overwhelm and settle into its perfect weight.
Also, I JOURNAL all my thoughts each morning in my Dreamwork Book. Actually, I flow into stream of consciousness writing. So writing down my vision for each facet of my life enables me to pare my focus down to the absolute essence. A sentence or two for my health goals, my relationships, and especially my Art and income, allows me to create Actions I can Do each week, each day. But what truly moves me like nothing else is Doing Art from my Soul,
Especially relevant with January New Moon Intentions, MAKING ART puts me into my body like nothing else. Doing Art hits all the senses. The flow of my hand with brush or wipe across a clean canvas holds an earthy, deep, ancestral memory. I connect with all artistic Ancestors who ever drew, painted, or made their hand mark in a cave. Art is deeply ingrained in our psyche and must be allowed to reveal its magic.
Plus, Doing Art with intention, your own personal focus, becomes a Sacred Act. It’s the coming together of desires, creation, and purpose to create a Power for change. I intend to Make more Art with meaning every week. I allow Art to drive my vision, creating my new life this year. Opening to this practice opens doors to new possibilities. Attention to Intentions is everything. Therefore, Consciously Making Art is inner peace in a ritual. Doing Art brings us to our own personal sanctuary and makes us Whole.
January New Moon Intentions may fill you with so many ideas, you’ll wonder where to start. Always do the thing that brings you the most joy. Therefore, look for what Feels Good. As you fill with happiness, you draw more of the same to you like a magnet. As a result, this is another Magic all its own. Shifting into joy, living hearts desires, and experiencing creativity makes life flow with a new energy. Be the hero of your journey and never look back.
Some more amazing thoughts about designing an incredible life are here with Jeff Walker. Intentions, ritual, and Art are all a part of each New Moon Class at Journey to the Dreamtime. Join us this week to be an Abundant Creative this year. Early bird pricing ends this Friday, plus get a Setting Intentions Bonus to get you started. Be Part of our Tribe

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