Journey Into the Dark Night

Journey Into the Dark Night

journey into the dark night owl and full moon
Owl Moon, Winter Solstice

Journey into the Dark Night happens at Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. We leave the world above to travel deep withing the Earth, entering into our darkest dreams. With each level, we leave something of our earthly life behind. What are we after all the titles, jobs, relationships, achievements, loves, and heartaches are left behind? This is a search for our essence. This is seeking a piece of our true self, our soul, which is all we came with into the this life. Who are we really in our deepest spark of divinity?

This an ancient Sumerian tale about Inanna, goddess of the night, maiden, queen, gift giver, lover, and wife. At her descent into the 7 levels of the Underworld, she leaves a part of her old life behind. At the end, she dies and is reborn, returning from death back to light, with greater awareness. A legend of transformation, new life, and rebirth, she’s learned something about herself to carry her into her new life.

This journey is celebrated at Winter Solstice, usually Dec. 21, which is said to be a ‘liminal’ day. Liminal is a great word, meaning a transitional or initial stage of a process. It stands at the boundary or threshold between the worlds. As the Sun reaches it’s farthest point South, it seems to pause, as though the Earth is holding Her breath, waiting for the Sun to return to us in the North. A liminal day.

Celebrated worldwide as the return of the great Light, warmth, the seasons, and rebirth, I find it’s a great time for a personal retreat in my own inner world. I have always been searching for more words to describe my Self, my approach to life. Yes, an introvert, an artist, but not shy. I disliked competition and confrontation, but I’ve always felt comfortable within myself. Not one for small talk, I spoke when I had something to say. I believed knowledge was power, and loved reading.

Ask and it is given. While reading a favorite author this last week, I just found this description of a character that rings so true with me. She is determined, has a toughness of mind, and when there’s a job to be done, she just does it, to the best of her ability, no questions asked. There it was. I never wondered if something would be ‘hard’ to do, nor ever doubted I could do it. If someone else has done it, then I’ll find a way to do it, too. I just plowed ahead and did it, the best that I could. This was my approach to all things in life. I used to think I chose to do the scary things. But, at the time, I never thought it was scary. It was just the next logical thing to do.

Journey into the Dark Night for guidance and peace.

In addition, this journey is much like a Vision Quest. It’s a time to put aside worldly things, go within your personal sanctuary, and find a piece of yourself you may have missed along the way. Ask yourself how can you de-stress at this special sacred time of the year? What needs simplifying in your day to day living? You must be brave to take this journey, since it often asks you to let go, release the sure thing, the security you’ve known up to this point, but the thing that is in reality, taking it’s toll upon your soul. What kind of life would make your Spirit sing?

I love my Owl Moon. When I can’t sleep, I think of them, and feel comforted. All will be well. Healing inside and out is coming. Allow Owl to give you her wisdom, and listen in the quiet times of the day. The answer will come. Possibly in a book, or from another, some shift of awareness will flow into your life. The inner voice is always right on. Make this year your best one ever! Happy Solstice, Happy Full Moon, Happy Owl Wisdom!

Share your thought below. I’d love to hear how you’re doing on the journey. See some art videos to get in the right frame of mind.

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