Inspired Creativity so often is just getting out of your own way.
Crane is the messenger between the worlds. She guards the opening to the Inner Path of Wisdom. Join us as Art illuminates the Way.
1. Learn to get past the thinking, doubtful mind and find clarity & Direction in all you do.
2. Find ways to hear Intuition, develop inspiration, and Be in Flow to make Magic happen.
3. Experience the Universal vocabulary of Art that connects us all to our deepest Feelings.
4. Discover your Strengths and make yourself Stronger.
5. Explore your inner landscape to connect with your Heart’s Compass, wisdom, and compassion.
6. Gift yourself with Creative Time & Direction to bring Balance, Beauty, and Play into your World.
Return to Beginner’s Mind. Create your own measure of success. Receive Monthly motivation, insights, and connection to our Dreamers community. Enter a sanctuary of sacred space to discover your Personal Voice, create from your Spiritual Core, and honor our Artistic heritage. Play with Art in all its forms.
Sign up Today: Journey to the Dreamtime Online Registration
Join us in my studio: New Moon Tribe Studio Gatherings begin April 14, 10:00-4:00, New Milford, Ct., reply to me below. We meet once a month.

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