Just Returned from Paris!

Just Returned from Paris!


Traveling in Paris

The City of Lights! What is the allure of Paris?

I found my self to be deeply aware of all sights, scents, and sounds. Everything, the streets, architecture, quaint shops, covered walkways, cobblestones, wind on my face seemed so vibrant and alive. Or was I opening myself up more to the exquisite unique experience of the Parisian life? It touched me deeply and stays with me clearly, like a new door opening inside that I can return to again and again.

Walking in the paths of so many brilliant luminaries from the centuries, was humbling, enlightening, and filling. Surrounded by beauty, I bring that feeling back to my life back in Connecticut, seeing everything with New Eyes.
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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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