Late Summer Alchemy

Late Summer Alchemy

late summer alchemy
Hazy skies, darker greenery, paler skies, Late Summer Alchemy, Valley of Dreams, Video Field of Depth Painting at Dragonfly Art Club

Late Summer Alchemy, the Sultry Harvest Season, Fire blends with Water

Late Summer Alchemy can be felt everywhere. The leaves are all a darker mature green, hydrangeas are fading, while dawn isn’t as bright and twilight descends sooner. Moreover, mornings are crisper here where I live on the ridge. Mists often roll in as cooler air meets warmer land. In addition, grain is cut and bales of hay lay strewn across the fields like a Renaissance painting. The Earth is in transition, yet again.

Late Summer Alchemy is sultry, sweaty, and moody as the Earth element of fire spreads into the water of fall. So humidity fills the air, often enclosing the land in banks of thick clouds. Plus, steamy mists roll in down the driveway and hang heavy in the early morning hours.

How do you feel about steamy days? Does the energy of steam make you head to the cooling waters of the shore? Also, is Late Summer a signal to grasp for the last warm vacation days, to finish that novel you began in June, or play at the carnivals & state fairs?

Late Summer Alchemy used to be the catch up time. Imagine, once it was the slow season of leisurely walks on sandy beaches and watching reruns of fav shows. Instead, it has become busier and harsher than ever, if we let it. Consequently, we must all work a little harder to keep the Magic of a simpler, breezy, slower way of life alive, well and memorable. Plus, our new summer stories often need nurturing time to develop.

How’s your perfect summer story going to read? Will your story be memorable or lost in the flow? Reconnect with intuition, remember to be brave and creative again. Let Art be your Story.

Fill your Harvest full of riches, new experiences, and fun. One way to come back to yourself is by doing art. Open the door of possibilities and find your Self on the other side. Find the pieces of your creative self you may have lost along the way. Art marks your way on the Path of Life. Art puts you in mindfulness, in the present moment, with the focus on your style.

Join Dragonfly Art Studio and get my Art Success Path Tracker, plus a newsletter of exclusive videos and latest inspiration. Also, Dragonfly Art Club, free on FB gives some fun projects to get started now. Sign up today.

late summer alchemy
Mist on the Ridge, our wood shed
Late Summer Alchemy
Harvest late summer, elephant trunk

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