Leonardo, Sacred Geometry, Truth: Man of the Ages
Leonardo, Sacred Geometry, Truth Seeker! I know that’s what made me so entranced by the man, the engineer, the scientist, or and yes, the artist. Leonardo was truly a Renaissance Man, in that his curiosity led him to explore every pattern of Nature. He wanted to know where Spirit fit into the whole body of the World, where the Human fit into Nature. He observed and marveled at every detail of life.
As I’m writing and drawing Sacred Geometry, I see Leonardo, Sacred Geometry, Truth in everything. First of all, his flowing lines, spirals, and proportions all fit the blueprint of Sacred Geometry that lies beneath all life. Secondly, his curiosity led him to investigate science, music, and art. Also, his Sacred Geometry enigma, fitting the Circle within the Square, finding Spirit in the World, discovering the Human’s place in Nature, became a life long pursuit. His Vitruvious Man is a masterpiece of the measure of man in the Geometry of Life. He showed Man in the Universe, in Spirit.
Also, I recognize another Truth person in him, like me. I’ve written how we all have Truth, Workability, and Idea Creator within us. Each is in different proportions, while my strength is Truth. I Have to know how, why, and where things work. Like Leonardo, each exploration takes me deeper down the rabbit hole to learn more. He blurred the line between reality and the possible.
A new book about the amazing Leonardo da Vinci, fills in many questions about the man himself. Written by Walter Isaacson, fascinating insights into Leonardo’s everyday thoughts come to life. Leo the man wondered about the woodpecker’s tongue, and why the sky is blue. Also, he filled his notebooks with mirror writing that could only be read in the reflection. Furthermore, mixed in with his scientific drawings of flying machines and anatomies of humans and horses, he wrote recipes for boiling nuts in oil to get a nice blond hair dye. His father was a notary, but due to being born out of wedlock, Leonardo the left handed, didn’t have to follow in his footsteps. Rather our man pursued every interesting facet of life from mechanics to drawing and painting.
Especially relevant in his search for Truth, he kept lists. Leonardo, Sacred Geometry, Truth seeker filled his sketchbooks full of lists. The first column would state a problem, concern, or question he was pondering. The second column would hold what he could DO to fix things, help the issue, or at least a step forward to find a solution. Writing lists down on paper, or in a leather bound notebook, is a great ritual for each of us to follow. Something about actually putting pen to paper, a list is something to return to often, add to, and change our lives.
Finally, Leonardo was a first class storyteller. He painted the enigma of the Mona Lisa’s smile over many years. The reactions of each unique individual at the Last Supper tell their own story in the narrative. Plus, he recorded all his thoughts and explorations in 7,200 pages of notebooks that became a true Narrative of His Life. Most of all, Leonardo the man, the vegetarian, the friend to all, sought ways to unify, help, and include all people. His last entry shows his profoundly glorious Circle within the Square mystery, before he wrote…’but the soup is getting cold’.
So explore the Magic of connections to all of life through Art. Find where you fit in within the grand patterns of Nature and humanity. Be open to the beauty in all of creation, be curious, be the storyteller of your evolving Life.

Sacred Geometry, Nature, Spirit within Matter
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