Leonardo’s Art & Science Is Magic
Leonardo’s Art Science Museum is like entering the adult Disney World. Actually seeing the amazing curious models of Leonardo’s inventions brings wonder, awe, and great humility to my soul. Plus, being in Florence, where he spent his early formative years, brings an authenticity to the man. Walking the land, seeing the river, and feeling the cobblestones as he once did, makes him real. Leonardo the curious man, genius, scientist, inventor, and artist is coming alive again.
Next, I feel a thrill to even view copies of his glorious manuscripts, which were once scattered across Europe. Initially, I knew Leonardo the artist. His exact proportions, his marvelous articulation of ordinary details, showed a master at work. Now attending in person to his inventions brings a physical connection, and unifies me to the actual man. Actually being in his space, feeling the size and quality of his creations, connects me to the images, the words, the story of his life on an even deeper level. These artifacts of Leonardo’s make the man living flesh and blood brought to our world.
Leonardo, the Renaissance Superman, the Man of all Ages, once created goggles to dive deep within the Arno River to study the flow of currents far below. The Master’s Codex Leicester, the writings of these adventures, created between 1504-1508, belongs now to Bill Gates. Leonardo filled each magnificent page, front and back, with musings, sketches, observations and theories on astronomy, flow of water, air, and reflected light. Leonardo’s Art Science comes out in his concepts of why fossils are found on mountains. He gives insights to how water flows around objects and erodes the land. Leonardo theorizes about the reflections of light on the moon and planetshine, long before telescopes proved it. These wonderful writings will return to Florence from October 29 – January 20, 2019, to be publicly displayed at the Uffizi Gallery, in honor of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death, May 2, 1519.
Finally, Leonardo’s Art & Science Evidence brings masterful creativity in multiple disciplines, and helps us see Leonardo as a complete human being. Leonardo, a brilliant life, well lived.
Be a creative on the road of life.

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