Clean up your act, and see what Happens!
The Universe hates a void! Every time we have downsized, or thought we were de-cluttering our life of THINGS, the Universe has opened up new doors to experience! Each time I’ve moved, and there have been many moves in my life, I have cleaned out, donated, sold, and given away incredible items, from an arched Italian china cabinet to many gorgeous plants. And life keeps giving me new treasures to enjoy and love. When I find wonderful homes for beloved items over the years, I feel good, but a little sad. It’s like sharing what I love with others, spreading the love, even as I’m giving up a piece of me. I’m always grateful for everything that has entered my life since I feel it’s all a gift, to be enjoyed, used, and shared with friends and family. We really own nothing. It comes into our lives, and one day exits our lives. But to give away by CHOICE, has made this an empowering, loving, and happy thing to do. It’s said, ‘the more things you own, the more they own you’. We have to find the delicate balance of living with and loving the things of the world, and yet living an unencumbered life in freedom from things. Tricky!
Our local paper just told the story of a beautiful B&B in town, that has been serving & housing our community for 87 years! The Kennedy’s stayed there when Jack was attending a private school in town. Marilyn Monroe had room 33 when she was being courted by Arthur Miller. It’s homey, centrally located, and run by various families who have each added their own warmth, style, and ambiance to this historic inn. The recent owners are loved by everyone associated with the place. They have accommodated everyone from last minute conference attendees, to parents who have children in the local private schools. Now this wonderful treasure is up for sale.
Sadly, the welcoming beloved husband lost a battle with cancer, and the lovely, overwhelmed wife must traumatically release all she has loved. She’s even leaving the country to return to her family homeland to heal. One way or another, we each find ourselves downsizing, letting go, simplifying our lives either by choice or by happenstance. Paring down a lifestyle by choice is bittersweet since it implies a moving on, a not being able to hold onto this precious moment of time forever, and the most dreaded of all, change. Being forced to do this often turns to anger, resentment, grief, and a feeling of being a victim. Making these tough decisions by choice helps you move forward, turns sadness into anticipation of the new, and strengthens your trust in the Universe to continually provide more happiness than you can imagine. It’s a way of life, in spite of what we want. It’s Knowing when its time to step forward by choice, and allowing the flow of the Universe to carry you onto the next phase of life. We’re not literally moving, but simplifying life is certainly a good thing to do anytime!

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