Change is inevitable. We never expect it. But it always comes.
We can never recreate the great moments of the past precisely, but we can certainly immerse ourselves in the present to make it the best in every way possible! We can decorate the tree, buy presents to give, bring out the traditional ornaments, and plan a great feast, and yet it will be different every year.
People move, lives change, and the family gathering of 17 in the past becomes 4 choice people who truly cherish each others company in every way. But the souls of the past are always with us. They helped form our lives with their contributions of unfailing love or rocky bumps in the road. They are all there when we gather, to be remembered as ones who did the best they could. How we remember them, how we perceive the acts of the past, is in our power to cherish deeply or know it was just another experience of life, and move on as the different person we are today because of it, because of them.
We are all changelings on the path of life. We shift, we grieve, we love, we remember, we gather our pieces and rearrange them in new ways every year. Be the shape shifting changeling, be flexible, see the good intentions of people (every one of them), wish everyone well, and do your best to bring happiness, love, and laughter to this year’s gathering. Make it memorable, in a good way. Be the uplifting light to someone, and your own light shines brighter.
Happy Holidays, from one changeling to another.
Much Love & Blessings,

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