When Life Shakes You Up, Follow Your Own Agenda
Imagine this. You are driving your car, remembering that you are the driver & no one else, and you see all your life experiences up to this point, this day, flowing behind you, getting farther away, through your rear view mirror. It’s the life you left behind. It’s just a reflection now, as is all that has past. It has no power of its own without the one you choose to give it. It moves farther away as the open road lies ahead. This is your path to growth, expansion, and new possibilities. It’s always fresh and new.
Your have a choice. Do you bring all your baggage along for the ride, or can you just allow the life before you to open? Right before you is your personal power, your focus, your agenda. The number 1 priority for each of us has to be health in mind, body, and spirit. Period! This is all that we as sovereign individuals have power over. What you eat, if you exercise, how you love & treat your body is everything. Without health, nothing else matters. Your energy increases with uplifting friends, the free beauty of nature, and the love of family.
I’ve never bought into the grander dramas of life since whatever the outcome, I still had my morning coffee, created an artistic life, and had my loving people around me. The larger than life issues didn’t change my daily personal life. The wealthy elite who rule with power over, have their own agenda that I couldn’t change. I found my inner peace by seeking patience & love for my self and for all those around me, doing the best I could every day with what I had. It’s plenty.
We can never go back to the way things were. Just pick up your challenge, let go of the past, and flow forward on a ride into the Unknown. It’s a new day. Coming back from where you started is not the same as never leaving. We are different people now. Our power lies in being responsible for ourselves, knowing Inner peace is an inside job.
The ‘Rear View Mirror’ metaphor is something I heard from Crimson Circle recordings. You can find more food for thought here: https://youtu.be/LtpH0DGDi9I

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