Life has been difficult since Feb, when I fell into ‘What if’ mode. Returning home from a great trip to Captiva Island, Fl, we found an ice dam had built up on our roof due to the many hard, rare single digit, winter snowy days. Our second day home had water coming into the bedroom. We grabbed the sledgehammer & ladder, get up to the roof saddle, and pound the living daylights out of the ice build up! But this began a slew of downward spiraling thoughts that continued over months, to beat us down into a negative place, until now! It began with the house can’t take care of itself! The upkeep is getting tougher. I sure couldn’t do all that my husband does to keep the house in order. Maybe we should downsize….we HAVE to downsize….maybe we should move to a milder climate. Whoa!!! It really has kept us in a thinking out of fear place….and I can’t live with Monkey Mind fear popping it’s crazy head up any more. We have to shift this around!
Life can be looked at in SO many ways: So fast, so sad, so short, so scary…….OR So exciting, so cool, so happy, so surprising. Whatever we think it is, it’s all stuff we are making up as we go along! So why make it bad??? Does moving across the country sound like a fun thing to do? I don’t think so! Does moving somewhere milder where we know NO ONE, sound like a Wow experience filled with joy and excitement? More anxiety maybe. Downsizing is a great thing when done in the right attitude! Clear out the old, make way for the new, is all good. But we were in a fearful place. What were we thinking??? We weren’t. We were allowing the never ending thinking mind to pull us down into the matrix of no return, the ‘Land of What If’. Endless negative thinking doesn’t bring happiness, I can tell you that. The Land of What If is not living in the NOW!
So let’s shift this whole process around and live every day from a ‘What IS’ place. Look around at your Present What Is and go for the good feeling now in this moment. For us, it’s just a one time build up of ice that can be fixed with better gutters ( being installed as I speak), new flashing installed properly, and some hot wires to melt the snow as it lands. Heating the elements can even be controlled remotely these days, so Florida is still in the forecast.
Living in the Now, puts me in touch with my intuition. No matter what truly happens in the present reality, love, loss, grief, happiness, it will be handled quite brilliantly with intuition, and inner strength built up over a lifetime, as have all the occurrences leading up to this day. So it’s as they say, do not live in the sadness of the past or the fear of the future. Live a full life, making up wonderful experiences to cherish in the present, here and now.

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