Living In Artist’s Time

Living In Artist’s Time

living in artist's time
Full Harvest Moon

Living in Artist’s Time is a whole new approach to life. It becomes a pause in life, the space between breaths, as we enter the stillness of the moment. Artist’s Time is vast and limitless since we’re searching, listening, and creating space to manifest something never seen before.

For me, art takes reflection time. I clear my art space from one media to another,while I tune in to intuition. Then, I ask for inspiration as to how to proceed. I begin somewhere. Making marks, mixing colors, painting, since the ‘doing’ triggers ideas of what to do next.

Plus, inspired art demands to be created Now, in this moment, before it disappears into the ethers, like a dream or cloud. Take notes, do a sketch before the precious idea leaves you and flows into some other artist.

The above painting was like that. It stayed with me for a couple of days, then I could feel its energy dissipating. I clearly heard the words, ‘You know what you want it to be, so do it now!’ And I’m glad I did. The painting just flowed out of me.

Doing, painting, writing, assembling gets the creative juices flowing. Once engaged, you may ask what’s my next step? This is creative inner time that taps into instincts, remembering past experiences. Often this becomes the ‘timeless’ experience, when making art takes on a life of its own.

Living in Artist’s Time means not satisfying anyone else’s expectation. The world’s time has been just the opposite for years. With schedules, time tables, and deadlines to meet, you had no time to think for yourself.

Old world time was one of limits, demanding accomplishments as a measure of progress. Personal happiness never entered into the system. ‘They’ kept you too busy to consider what YOU wanted to do today, in this moment, in your personal time and space.

But today, Artist’s Time is Transformation Time. An opportunity to create a life of your choosing. Let the old ways go, and enter this space with fresh eyes. Clear away the old world clutter, and decide what really matters to you.

For me, that means exploring new tools, trying different media like colored charcoal pencils, and being loose and free. I work the whole image without getting fussy in any one area. I’ll just paint without sketching first. I’ll use a 2″ rubber color shaper tool to smear areas for texture. It’s wild and scary but very freeing to do.

So let me know what you think of Artist’s Time. Can you relate to this concept? How would you structure your freedom in this time of change?

Join me at Pat Gullett Designs and let me know how we can all create transformation art time together. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Sign up there for more art videos, inspiration, and plenty of new art.

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