Lose Your Self: Inner Journey, Healthy Balance
Lose Your Self to the Inner Journey is an ultimate gift of Love. You must love yourself first, before you can completely love another. Furthermore, it’s so pleasurable to give yourself over to some creative act so completely, that Time ceases to exist. The Daydreams of life play an important role for healthy stability. So step away from the distractions of the World, from the demands of others, and bring your Self in Balance every day.
Lose Your Self to the journey within to Find your Self. Who is that deep, unique consciousness who brought their gift to this world? So there’s a kind of enjoyment in creating a pause in life on purpose, to listen for the inner voice. Also, this act alone brings mindfulness, timelessness, and inner peace in the moment. While the pause just feels good, this also opens the door to your Muse, your creative genius to whisper songs only you can hear. What will you accomplish in this lifetime?
Mary Oliver “Tell me, what is it you plan to do,
with your one wild and precious life?”
First of all, there are so many ways to Lose Your Self to the Inner Journey. When was the last time you just allowed your self time to read a novel? Many say they can’t just sit and read anymore, but have they tried? Moreover, a really great book pulls you into a landscape of characters, intrigue, love, and deception, you can hardly put it down. Both Fiction and Non-Fiction have this ability these days. Furthermore, books of poetry like Mary Oliver‘s, create new worlds to contemplate with just a few lines. Plus powerful words often become a part of our lives, appearing everywhere.
Secondly, painting, drawing, collage are all techniques that take me deep with my Self. As a result, something else takes over. While thinking is not required here, my hand, my body knows an ancient, inner language of line, form, and color. The art feels right. I connect to all original artists of the past with my story as true as any.
Therefore, the key is to Lose Your Self to your body, to all the senses. I know dancers who enter a trance state as they move. I’ve heard of runners who reach that supreme plateau where their body seems to glide effortlessly down the path. Exercise works the same way. As a result I often feel that I can walk the treadmill all day. Because this is easy, it’s what my body was made to do. In addition, the same can be said of hiking, exploring new places, snorkeling, swimming, sewing, skiing. Indulging your Self in what you love and do easily, enriches your body, soul, and mind. How will you say you have enriched your life?
Join us as we explore out inner world at Journey to the Dreamtime, Mystery School of Art each month. Bring your inner gift to the world and have fun along the way.

Priestess of the New Moon
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