Magic Flows in the Secret Place Beneath the Everyday World.
Magic Flows like a hidden undercurrent beneath the physical world. Even though most of the surface world goes unseeing, Magic flows endlessly. It creates synchronicity, magnetic meetings of people and things, and serendipitous moments of power. First of all, Magic flows for those who look deeper, consciously seek feelings, and live in the sensual moment. It lives in the Sacred Geometry of the land, the healing properties of herbal medicines, and the code of the webmaster. So Magic calls to you daily, but the seeker must get out of their head and into their heart to come close to touching it.
My heart knows Magic. I love the twilight time, filled with shadows of rabbits, fireflies, and stars. Even as a kid, I’d play until everybody else had to go home. I wanted it to last. Secondly, I’d enlist the senses. The fresh air, still trees, and sounds of crickets filled the space. Walnut tree aromas consumed me with peace, mingling with the sweet lilac, intoxicating the earth in the hidden world. The gentle breeze in my hair, the crunchy sand in my toes, the sparkle on the sea created a magic timeless life of forever. It’s the senses coming alive.
Also, Magic flows in waves of inspiration. The Magician must let go of control, have faith in the other World, and allow imagination to open to the inner reality.
When my senses are flowing and I am fully engaged, by body feels lighter, I see details clearly, I get tingly sensations, goosebumps, and thrills in the doing. My space become Timeless, bridging a very ancient past with the unlimited possibilities of the immediate future. Doing Art brings me there. While I feel a rhythm in the shimmering layers of color, I smell the headiness of oil paint, pastels, and solvent. Magic lives in the Light flowing on my paper as I create intricate shapes from my inspired inner landscape.
Furthermore, Magic flows since the beginning of time. People have experienced this space forever, and their ghosts linger. And yet, the atmosphere around this space triggers an electricity that at any moment anything can happen: the most brilliant work of art, a spark of profound insight, an overwhelming feeling of deja vu. Magic flows love.
Also there’s always the thinking text book explanation and the step by step description to plan. The tripod must be adjusted, the camera initialized, the lighting in place. Yet magic happens when I Do the art. The colors and shapes flow, synchronicity of relevant info enters, and then an email from a woman asking about the classes. It seems like the Universe connects Magic and makes it belong to a far grander world. Magic moves this everyday world in mysterious ways.
Most of all, if you long for the hidden, invisible realms of Magic flows in your life, seek art that heals your heart or uplifts your spirit, Be ready to rediscover your Artist within, then this Magic place is yours. Furthermore, your inner artist is your old friend, waiting your return. Reconnect, rediscover that part of yourself that used to live in a Magic place of fairy dust, sparkly lights, and hollow trees. The Heart feels Art.

I LOVE this!!!!! It’s as though my life depends on this!
Thanks, Nancy. I really appreciate your support. This is the direction my classes are taking. Each time we will explore, with art, some element of Magic…the invisible, the self, sacred geometry, focus of mandalas, spirit world, dreams, etc.