Synchronicity Abounds Everywhere
On a trip last Spring to Asheville, NC, to visit my cousin, I came across an artist whose work really drew me in. We had toured every warehouse studio complex by this time, and the art was great to see, but didn’t call to me personally. Then in an upstairs, large, bright studio filled with animal paintings, I was drawn like a magnet to a huge oil painting, larger than life, with an image of a white owl. Mesmerized for awhile, I snapped out of it long enough to find the bin of prints. There she was, this wonderful white snowy owl in flight, available at a great price. A voice from the side said, “Did you come here to buy that owl?” I said, ‘I think I did!’.
The Artist was a wonderful, engaging woman named Sandra Bottinelli. She dreams of owls, and had a large horned owl painting over her workbench. He speaks to her as she works. My cousin remarked how similar her name was to Botticelli, the Italian Renaissance painter, and wasn’t his first name ‘Sandro’? Oh, yes. Interesting indeed.
Now back home from my recent trip to Paris & the Louvre, going through my photos, I see that most of my pictures are of paintings by the famous Sandro Botticelli! I never realized it at the time. Like the Owl, their faces, poses, and colors are hypnotic to me, greatly influencing my work today. Symbolic, engaging, and gently beautiful, I feel a door has been opened revealing a new path of discovery. Only now can I consciously recognize this art as a kind of love, filled with compassion, and an otherworldly beauty. Life is so full of amazing cosmic synchronicity.
“Synchronicity is like a magical invisible carpet, spreading out beneath everything”

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