Magical Light

Magical Light

Magical Light Moon, arrives at New Moon/Equinox/Spring

Magical Light brings in a new way of living. It’s the mystical convergence of the powerful New Moon, Equinox, and Spring, that says it’s an Astronomical Time of Change in the Universe. The ancients lit bonfires to let go of old things, hopes, and dreams, and open the doorway for the New Way. We each can begin with purging the old out of every facet of life. In addition, a cleansing time for body and soul, frees you to be reborn, trust inner wisdom, and move on to Becoming More than you are today.

At first, I thought it was time to create a New Path, but then this came my way.

‘The path to enlightenment is not a path at all, it’s actually a metaphor for the time it takes for you to allow yourself to be happy with who you already are, where you already are, and what your already have… no matter what. Just do it.’ Mike Dooley

It felt so right in my heart! So possibly this is the New Way in my painting. It’s a new light that comes from within with every feeling of love, gratitude, and compassion. The change comes in Loving Your Self completely, in every way shape and form. Plus, the focus is on being gentle to Self, gifting self, caring for self first, loving self before all others. This feeling transforms you to be More Loving to all else, to the world, but it must begin with you.

But for me, it also meant keeping Only the things I love! The closet must hold what makes me feel beautiful, and that I would wear without a doubt. Anything less, any thing held for sentimental reasons, or things that no longer fit who I am becoming, was either donated, recycled, or disposed.

Then, I found so much accumulated stuff in my studio that I was unable to paint! The purge went into full gear. Old inspiration served me well, but it’s not the new direction for my life. Videos & classes were fun, new, and exciting years ago, but today I love painting landscapes , moons, animals.

Loving yourself and following your heart go hand in hand. Saving yourself is the greatest gift you can give the world.

Magical Light brings balance, beauty, and magic.

Surprises come your way when you are full of the New Love. Happy accidents in your creativity and art happen when you live from feeling and intuition. It starts with Being Aware of your self, your choices, and Acting upon your feelings.

I had no idea how to arrange the studio. A deep knowing kept reminding me that in the Doing, comes the Inspiration. You can’t think this into being. So start somewhere.

As I cleared, ideas of storage flowed in. Much could be stored with my major paints/brushes/drawing tools available. Mixed colors came my way. Ideas flowed in as I worked, with our crescent Moon & 3 ravens. The Way was becoming clear. My flowing water and distant light appeared, with no thinking at all. Inner wisdom and Knowing took over. This was a fun, creative way to feel and Be.

So start loving yourself in every way. Make Play and fun your number 1 goal. Turn any responsibilities you believe you have into choices for this Present time. You are creating this life moment to moment, and nothing lasts forever. Every action has its completion, so enjoy it while you have it. It will soon change and you’ll move on to the next experience. This is truly living Life and Love 2.0.

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

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