Magical Notre Dame, Heart of Art, Mysticism, Legend
Magical Notre Dame, Our Lady, revealed my strong heart as I climbed 387 stone steps in the 98 degree record breaker day in late August, 2016. You don’t know what your body or heart can take until you push it. Also, once committed to the one way up winding staircase, there was no going back. One Tower up, the other Tower down. I had my doubts at the time, but today I’m so glad I made the climb.
Magical Notre Dame is literally the Heart, the Center of Paris. First of all, this site was Sacred when it held the Temple of Jupiter, thousands of years ago. Plus, I felt the power of its presence immediately upon entering the Nave. For this reason, I was enveloped in an ancient sacred forest. It’s said it took a forest to build it! The massive columns rise up 10 stories and then branch off into spines, arches, and a golden ceiling. Colored stained glass windows tell stories of mythic times, shining color over all. Furthermore, passing statues of Angels, Saints, and Demons, I might as well have been in Tolkien’s Middle Earth.
Guardians of the Tower
Moreover, Magical Notre Dame offered more secrets at the top of Her Bell Tower. Walking the ramparts, I connected with Gargoyles, Angels, and Elephants face to face. A bookstore appeared 1/2 way up the stone staircase. In addition, built into the walls were symbols in the stones. This was an artistic masterpiece telling the story of life. Centered in the heart of Paris, this architectural great Wonder of the World, recorded the lives of tribes, villages, and souls for over 850 years.
In conclusion, Magical Notre Dame, with it’s Divine and Profane stories in stone, was always more of an Art Masterpiece of the Ages to me. It portrayed the energy, beliefs, and lives of the people who created Her, in Their Moment of Time. The Heart of the Heart of Paris has just become a fire sacrifice to the gods. A replacement doesn’t hold the power of the original. Somehow I must move forward with my memories, photos, and feelings of a most treasured experience. Join us as we create our own Sacred Art, Our Truth, in Our Voice, at Journey to the Dreamtime Mystical School of Art each month.

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