Treasure troves of spiritual artifacts are finally being discovered and brought to light.
Who believes in fate, destiny, the Universe, miracles, karma, good luck, bad luck, crossing your fingers, or wearing a special medal for luck and protection? How about Friday the 13th, premonitions, wish fulfillment, dream foretelling, angels, and prayer healing? And what about the dances of the athletes at the mound, behind the bat, under the goal posts?! Believing in the power of the invisible runs deep through our ancient memory. It enabled our ancestors to survive by seeing patterns and making connections with the Unknown. We are wired to find meaning in a world full of unexplainable events.
Starting in the late 1600’s, thousands of slaves were brought to Annapolis, Md. They brought with them their traditional spiritual beliefs, as did the German, Irish, Oriental, and English immigrants. Each group sought to create protection by creating their own cosmology with power bundles buried to form a cross within homes, hex symbols on hearth stones, over doorways, and under beds, along with books of charms with incantations, maps, and Rotas Sator- magical words, palindromes. Amulets of pierced silver coins, large rock crystals, tiny engraved clay skulls, buttons, shells, straight pins, beads, doll parts, feathers, and black stones, have been found buried in caches 6″ below floor boards between doorways, or in front of hearths. Similar sacred bundles, rock art symbols, rituals, ceremonies, and beliefs are found in Native American tribes from Alaska to Cape Horn. We all came out of Africa, and we brought our Magic.
I remember asking my Chicago Grandmother about her cure all in a small blue bottle, ‘the purple stuff’. It took care of wounds as well as any body aches and pains. She paused, apparently wondering if she should tell her little granddaughter the truth, and then said ‘The Witch makes it.’ All her healing remedies, tinctures, teas, and medicinal packs came from the neighborhood ‘witch’. And they all worked beautifully. Dissolving gallstones, curing bronchitis, relieving arthritis, the ‘Witch’ knew the antidote. My Grandmother lived a healthy, clear-headed, strong life for a happy 99 yrs, outliving all her doctors.
Reality, without a doubt, is based on each person’s interpretation and expectation of their personal world. Science tells us that particles and energy respond directly to our focused awareness and perception. Beliefs can be limiting, coming from the mind, so even go beyond them, and expand your consciousness to see the magical blank slate of new, wondrous potentials. That Magical Thinking creates a richly layered world where all possibilities are real. More information about the Annapolis discoveries at

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