Making the Invisible Visible: Seeing as an Artist Sees
Making the Invisible Visible is the Magic of every Artist. From a painter to a musician or dancer, artists are creating from the innermost land of their soul. Also, this is a place of no thinking, no time, and no hurry. Furthermore, imagination and intuition whisper their ideas through a dream like waking state.
Artists must give themselves blocks of creative time to play, experiment, and listen for the Muse of Creativity. Without the interruptions of the world, the creative life thrives, amazes, calms, and refreshes the mind/body/and soul.
Making the invisible visible can be done in many ways. However, each technique involves tricking the talkative mind into silence for a awhile. For instance, drawing Negative Shapes definitely does that. This is work beyond the ‘mind’. Above all, it gives a new way of seeing things. ‘Mind’ wants to label everything and say, “I know what a flower looks like”. But mind can’t easily label negative shapes. That’s the trick.
Experiencing this technique put you in a different mindset. Drawing the background shapes allows the center of interest to appear. This is a slower process that mind doesn’t like at all. As a result, it’s a more accurate drawing of objects. Also, this technique becomes more intuitive the more you do it.
As well as great training for the creative brain, eyes, and knowing, this type of drawing slows down time. Meanwhile, flexibility, concentration, and mental clarity are improved as shown in many test cases.
Look at the two paintings below. Notice how important the negative shape backgrounds become. They lead our eye to and around the main objects, add color so the positive shapes stand out, and make for a strong composition.
So come to Dragonfly Art Club and give it a try. See how it feels to See as an Artist Sees. Besides being a fascinating experience, it’s also good for you. Clearly, Doing Art puts one in mindfulness, totally in the present, and into the sanctuary of the heart. What better place is there?
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