Making New Memories moves you forward in life, even as you embrace the old. It’s nice that some things never change. I have great memories of crunching leaves, a woody scent in the air, tastes of taffy apples and popcorn, and visions of rich colors everywhere. It’s a sensory thing, for sure.
Also, Autumn back in Chicago, was filled with parties to throw, shaped birthday cakes to make, new classes to teach, and many new students to know. Somehow, even while teaching, I’d cook up a feast with turkey, lasagne, and a pan of chicken/mushroom crepes. It was a gathering time of family and friends that ushered in the changing seasons.
I took the torch from my Mom, who always cooked wonderful Thanksgiving/Birthday celebrations for the entire family when I was young. With 3 early December birthdays, one large cake was made holding all our names. It was a feast.
My art back then centered around my teaching at the high school. I’d break down each art project into a step by step presentation for the students to follow. If you want to really ‘Know’ something, teach it! All of it was fun and play for them and me.
But, Distance changes everything.
I think memories often become richer and fuller with age. They get embellished in our minds and hold far more meaning today than the experience had at the time. The past can be great fun, but don’t get stuck there.
Back then, we were just living day to day, without expectations. Maybe that’s the key. To live a life as it comes, partying often, getting out into the world in some way, and trying new things just to see what happens.
Making New Memories keeps you Present in the Now.
Life is change. Gatherings are smaller these days, with more quality time of interacting with each special person.
Some come to visit for long week-ends which are wonderful adventures. Christmas is always a many day vacation at our house with family. Sometimes we meet up while on vacations. These are the new memories I’ll cherish always.
Cooking has become a community affair. Each has their specialty to add to the mix. In addition, local restaurants may provide the main course, while we add a special flourish, like perfect Birthday flan or chocolate layer cake made from scratch. Keep it easy, fun, and special.
My art is all about challenging myself to interpret my life today. Driving scenic roads has become a great pastime to photograph beautiful forests, colors, rivers, and lakes. These become starting points for my mixed media paintings each week. I start with a drawing, then let imagination take over. Magic time!
The above painting, Fall Memories, had the stone wall & trees higher. That was covered as the sky took over. I just go with it, and see where it takes me. My new play.
Therefore, step away from expectations, and create new stories. How can you return to the feelings that felt so good in the past? That’s the goal: to feel new again, to discover more of what you love, and interpret all you see as a reflection of you. Create Magic moments today. See life with Fresh Eyes and be very aware of all you do. You are the Creator of your Life, Dreams, and Memories for the future.
I’d love to know your thoughts about my new Prints Page.
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