Manifesting Money

Manifesting Money

Summer Bouquet, a breath of scented soft breezes in the air,                                             New Prints available

Here’s a Bouquet of Freedom, Abundance, and Adventure. Manifesting Money Added to the Journey to the Dreamtime Classes

Something I’ve worked with all my life, manifesting money in a changing world, will be the new third section of each Dreamtime Class. It’s Time we all opened up our attitudes about allowing money to flow into our lives as easily as a breath of fresh air. We weren’t taught to include money on our spiritual journey but it’s certainly a part of finding our Personal Voice, being Motivated, and sharing our gifts to make the world a better place. Money is infinite energy, and can create many wonderful things to improve life for all of us. Each of Us deserves to be independently wealthy, able to buy, do, and be all that expands our experience in the World.

Men are builders, Women are creators. Women seek to make life beautiful in every way. I’m certainly not an expert, but I’ll share what I’ve learned over the years. This is about coming to terms with deeply ingrained money beliefs given to us by our families, society, and attitudes towards gender in general. We were told to share, not to be selfish, that men had to be the money earners & heads of the family. Women were given the back seat in so many ways in our school systems, while men were expected to work hard, succeed, and shoulder responsibility. Tough roles for everyone to play. There are a lot of hurdles to overcome, but starting the dialogue about having money, being comfortable making 6 figure months, and truly being financially independent on our own merits, has to begin somewhere. Success in money, as in everything else, is our own personal measurement, and we are the only ones creating limits. Let’s share our stories, overcome our fears, and creatively make life changes together.

The best thing money gives me is peace of mind. I was a single mother in survival mode long enough to know that just having ‘enough’ is a house of cards waiting to fall. Living paycheck to paycheck, with a little stashed away here for school, there for a truly small vacation, buying clothes, food, and gas, is not thriving. Having a good savings account allows me to not worry about medical bills, winter coats, or car breakdowns. Substantial Money makes for a healthier, happier, life in every way.

We each deserve to have a thriving savings account so that we can handle any emergency, and buy anything we need when we want it. More than that, we must learn to treat ourselves and be comfortable at receiving money, abundance, and all good thoughts. Facing this without guilt or shame is a practice to be implemented every day. Giving ourselves permission to be wealthy, to say Yes to huge abundance, and No to anything that doesn’t serve us is a major step to a balanced spiritual, financial, successful life. Join us as we make life better in every way.

Golden poppies to remember where we came from


Red poppies to remember those we have lost

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