Matrix of Life is our own personal world that we’ve created. In it, we learn, grow, evolve, love, and mirror our deepest feelings.
“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anais Nin
All that we see, experience, and feel is based on our beliefs about ourselves and our world. Also, whatever emotion we are feeling, the important thing is how we respond. This creates new experiences and shifts our reality, so therefore our life. Each of us is unique, living in our own special reality.
Last year, I was drawn to strands of beautiful beads in Santa Fe. They weren’t the ‘perfect’ turquoise you usually see. Instead, each had different tones, from deepest turquoise to lightest greens. Most of all, they had their matrix, the browns, deepest blues, and nearly black of the matrix where they were born, deep in the Earth, swirling within. Each was special, earthy, natural, different, and striking when put together.
Recently, I discovered more of these same beads through another artist. She calls them Dragon Skin Turquoise! I was hooked, and had to add them to my jewelry. Life always gives us More of what we desire.
This is how the Universe works. What you love, or put your focus on, good or bad, is drawn to you like a magnate. You create More every day by your choices. Choose wisely.
These beads are like us. We are the beauty and imperfection of life in all our colors, forms, loves, dislikes, grief and joy. We’ve created it all to experience life. This is how we evolve, make choices, and live with our responses to them. We are perfect in our imperfection as human beings discovering our deepest self, and transforming our wisdom every day.
Matrix of Life opens us to our deepest ‘truths’.
We project on others what we need to fix in ourselves. In addition, many layers of feelings hold deeper layers of truth. But it’s all about us. So our Matrix becomes the climate, connections, and events we create to find ourselves.
Choices based on feelings, our heart’s desire, are the best to guide our path. Being aware of life instead reacting to it, is the key.
I believe we chose our body, family, career, and connections within which we shift, grow, and change. Therefore, all we love is within us, too. How we live after love, pain, or sorrow, is how we can shine our light into the world. The shining matrix is the rich, colorful beauty of our Soul.
So the above painting is full of contrasts. The Sun today in midsummer is so intensely bright. It casts shapes on the forest, creating the deepest, darkest, longest shadows over the ground. Plus, the torrential rains create rushing rivers and currents that reshape the land, roads, and shores.
In conclusion, they are all a part of our Matrix today. Life changes just as we do. Being flexible, balancing the mosquitos with the flowers, and accepting life in all its power, is going with the Flow. All becomes the profound mystery of life today. Enjoy the calm and weather the storms may be our new way of life.
Therefore, consciously create the Matrix of your life, and see everything you have as your mirror of Self. It’s all an illusion, your dream within a dream. What do you want more of? How can things improve? The profound truth is that the Mystery of Life is yours to create in every moment. Become the Beauty you want to see.

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