Multiple Worlds

Multiple Worlds

Multiple worlds Goddess Ostara Easter Facing Spirit Image
Ostara Goddess of Spring, Facing Spirit, Prints

Multiple Worlds Contemplation, Spring Equinox Full Moon

Multiple Worlds Create our reality. Spring Equinox Full Moon provides us with a pause in the Universe. First, we have the ancient world of myth honoring Ostara, Goddess of the Spring and Dawn. Also known as Easter, She brings in all her wild creative power of rebirth, death to the old, and buds of new life.

As a result, I’d color the eggs, get out the baskets, and remember past rituals of Easter. Baskets of food for the dinner were taken for a blessing on Holy Saturday morning. The aroma of babka filled the air. At the meal, large sheets of impressed wafers, oplatek, were shared as we wished each other happiness, peace and abundance. This was the threshold to summer, with new freedom, fun, and exploration.

Multiple Worlds also bring the mystical reality of the Equinox Sun. The Great Sun seems to pause on the Equator for at least 4 days. Equinox, midway between the Winter and Summer Solstices, is the official end of Winter, and first day of Spring. A time of New Beginnings, rebirth, purity, cleaning, and clean living marks this event. There’s a stillness in the air as the trees absorb more light, buds grow, and flowers sprout in the changing grasses. Jasmine, honeysuckle, sweet milk, and the scent of new life fill the air. Buds are magic to me. As a kid, I loved the Book of Buds in the Nature part of the library. They hold the promise of flowers, bees, and hummingbirds.

Equinox Balance

Multiple Worlds also show the Standard Worldly offerings of chocolate rabbits, marshmallow chicks, and spring school breaks. While the commercialization can hypnotize us into a trance state of overwhelm and meaningless have to’s, therefore, it’s up to each of us to find our balance.

Personalize this experience with small rituals to make this experience valuable. In addition, get out of your comfort zone, and for sure, out of the house. First of all, Breathe deeply and be in Nature walking, discovering, and experiencing a hands on communion with the Earth. Secondly, Feel the breeze on your skin, touch the buds of new life, and smell the scents of luscious first growth. Furthermore, research shows that doing a thing once, doesn’t make it yours. To make a difference within, we need to do a thing at least 5 times. Promise yourself to develop a practice of something good, enlivening, and memorable. This slows down time, impacts your psyche, and feeds your soul.

Healing Rituals

Also, Multiple Worlds reveal traditional cultures visiting Chichen Itza to see the Sun Snake appear on the pyramid steps. And the Brits gather at dawn for the first sunbeams of NewGrange to reveal the wall of glyphs. What can you do to bring healing, rebirth, and new wisdom into your life? Can you create a ritual to engage your body, celebrate this Season, and make it memorable? Do you feel the winds of change blowing through your life, thoughts, and feelings? Therefore, Honor and remember who you are at your core. Dream Big to find fulfillment and success on your own terms.

A good friend and great artist always said, ‘Trust the Process’. As a result, I choose the Artist’s Path, the entering of the Dreamtime, the place where Being lives. Also, this is the place of feelings, No Time, and surprising discoveries. In conclusion, I immerse in my Sacred Studio Space as the Maker to Create something New.

Want to bring magic and mystery into your life every month? This is the perfect time to join us at our Mystery School of Art to find yourself. The more you know of YOU, the easier life becomes.

Multiple Worlds New Painting of wild Rabbit with new moon, halo of gold & symbols, overlooking water hills landscape
New Moon Rabbit of Self Compassion, Prints
Multiple Worlds
Raven Emerging, Winds of Change, Prints

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