My Wabi-Sabi Way of Life

My Wabi-Sabi Way of Life

My Wabi-Sabi Bowl
My Wabi-Sabi Bowl

Wabi-Sabi has intrigued me for decades!

I made this bowl in the ’70’s, when I first heard of Wabi-Sabi. Very little was written about it at the time, since it’s essence was considered a mystery, an enigma, something only understood by the Oriental mind. It was a way of life, a belief system, a way of properly enacting the ancient Japanese Tea Ceremony. I love the serendipity of how the reflection of light from the window appears to be pouring out from within the bowl!

I’ve taught fragments of Wabi-Sabi concepts in my home on Wabi-Sabi Saturdays over the last few years. It was great fun, interesting, and still intriguing. But recently I realized it was more. Much more! I immersed myself in the concepts and found they are a direct reflection of all the changes going on in my life at this time. Wabi-Sabi is an approach to life that accepts all the shifts, the acquiring and letting go, the heart’s desire abundance and the inevitable bittersweet mortality of everything. Wabi-Sabi is a beautiful, flowing approach to move me forward through my own personal life changes. This art is food for the soul. It brings a healing and acceptance of every cycle of life. This Realization has placed me in the deepest form of gratitude every day for everything….no matter how small or humble. It enriches every moment with meaning as waves of emotion flood through me.

I’m working on videos to convey these beliefs through playful, mixed media art projects that are easy, fun, and bring everyone back to the artist they truly are in their heart. Control over ink and paint is released as we pour, drip, spray, and wipe colors together, over, and off eachother. It’s just a great freeing experience that results in truly one of a kind art. This art opens the doors to seeing Nature with New Eyes. Excuse me now as I play with the concepts of grainy, tangled, wispy, and wrinkled.


One Response to My Wabi-Sabi Way of Life

  1. Excited to see how it works! Keep me on the list! Hope to be able to participate! B

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