Values are Changing
What happens when young adults no longer want to buy/own/make payments on a new car, a home, a collection of art or jewelry? Where do the artisans, manufacturers, and creators go when the work is no longer in demand? What shifts in a world when 2 yr olds grow up using 2 fingers to try to enlarge all images from TV screens to magazines? What changes when the calmest, most peaceful solution to a wonderful dinner out in a restaurant is headphones and a private small screen for children to immerse themselves quietly? I don’t have an answer but I believe we will all find out soon.
Everyone must become a creative and innovator. Automobile factories are calling themselves ‘Transportation’ facilities. They incorporate parking assist, satellite navigation, and back up view screens. High end models are available with even more for the affluent, while everyone else gets a bit of a trickle down style. Fuji Film Holdings was awarded the Thomson Reuters, 2014 Top 100 Global Innovator awards for the 3rd year in a row. They have branched out into the diverse fields of 3-D digital imaging (remarkable for mammography and sports prognosis), high performance lenses for all camera types, 3-D digital printing, medical systems that include developing an Ebola vaccine for mobile units across the country, Prescale that makes the invisible detailed distribution of pressure on any surface to be visible, graphic arts with Forge Guard hidden imagery embedded in them to prevent forgery, Wide-View Film for viewing LCDs screens clearly at the wide view of 160 degrees, along with brilliant semiconductors, and Big Data with magnetic tape for archive storage. Then there’s Google’s driverless, totally automated cars, designed without steering wheels. Are we scared, excited, or in awe??? Let’s not forget the Apple Watch with voice recognition, heart monitor, fitness analytics, wireless charging, water resistance, and it works with Apple Pay!
“There’s an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. ‘I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.’ ” Steve Jobs
The days of making a living at tented art shows may be a quaint memory for the majority of creatives. It’s up to each of us to keep moving forward, don’t hold onto what ‘use to work’, be innovative in all we do, and have fun pursuing our life passions! Be like the 2 yr old attempting to make the impossible happen….and one day it will!

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