New Moon-New Start

New Moon-New Start

stargazer8x10TEXT,BESTsharp_edited-2Moons connect you to the Cycles of Life

I see so many ‘groups’ evaluating 2014, and setting feelings for 2015. It doesn’t excite me. It seems more like ‘work’, doesn’t come easy, and certainly isn’t in the flow of ‘play’. I don’t know what I feel for next July, but I do know what I want Today! I follow the monthly phases of the moon to really stay fresh and in the moment! Following the moon phases keeps you connected to the Universe, nature, the seasons, and your life in this moment of time. With each New Moon, I draw cards from an animal deck (which is really the inner me giving myself some focus), write down my thoughts, and contemplate the Exciting, Fire Igniting directions I choose to follow for the 2 weeks.

I evaluate what I’ve just experienced, and feel into those things to decide if that’s what I want to continue doing. I just completed my one on one teaching Basic PMC class yesterday with a wonderful student. It was a surprise Birthday gift from a husband to his wife. I loved the ‘idea’. I even wrote in my journal that I might do more of that in the future. Good old logical, jump to conclusions ‘thinking’ mind said ‘sure, you’ve got the studio space, you like the students, make some money, just do it’. That little monkey always is in such a hurry to ‘do something’! But by the end of the day I suspected, and then waking on this New Moon Day, I knew, that’s not where my energy lies. Teaching techniques has become ‘old’ for me. I’ve been there, done that. I needed to move on. The brave thing to do is let it go, and find the new Unknown thing, whatever that may be, wherever the mystery takes me, to move forward in life.Trust in my feelings to show me the way.

New Moon runs for 2 weeks, then at Full Moon, my mind naturally goes to pulling it all together, looking at the New experiences I’ve had, and starts bringing them to completion. It’s a Cycle of Life that has become My Cycle in the present. Evaluating the year is one thing, but living in this moment of Now, this moment of Power, is life changing. So onto my new Faces & Figures painting class, the making FB work for you webinar, the enlightening ‘Learning to Learn’ class advised by a dear friend of mine, and of course, the fastfire bronze waiting for my horses, goddesses, and shields. Onward & upward!

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