New Moon of Creative Play

New Moon of Creative Play

Birthing the New, Manifesting the Light

 Make Yourself Accountable, Join Our Community, Keep Moving Forward in Life

It’s too easy to not show up, to not do the work, to keep sliding down the slippery path of letting life take you over instead of You Living Life. Before you know it, years have gone by and nothing has changed. Your full potential is waiting out on the sidelines while you give your Power Away to those you love. It gets to a place where you wonder ‘Does anyone want to know my Choice in all that’s going on?’ Do you allow everyone else to make choices for you? It’s time to really look at the life you’re leading, since every day you’re making choices, or allowing your loved ones, or others, to make them for you. You are a treasure trove of knowledge and life experiences that can be shared with the world to enrich lives and make a difference.

All that you DO can help you succeed financially, fill you spiritually, and make a big impact on the world. But you have to make a stand, declare to yourself that you are ready to put the brakes on in ‘life’ and forge a personal path for your ideas, creativity, and focus. Where is your Sanctuary for creating innovation, touching inspiration, and stretching beyond your self imposed cubicle? We are a team gathering people and need each other to move forward into the great unknown. That’s why I created this group.

Let this be your Sandbox, Playground, Adventureland. Creativity isn’t some isolated and stranded boat on a still sea. A Community of Creatives encourages you on to the next level, helps you find your direction with biggest impact, and enables you to set new goals month by month. Join us to conceptualize, focus, and make real your gifts to the world. Insights without action are meaningless.

Together we give words to our strengths, our powers, those things that flow uniquely and naturally from each of us. Then we enter the Sacred Soul Space to give form, image, and color to our inner self with Inspired Creativity. It’s all play, experiment, and discovery. Then work with manifesting your goals one step at a time with techniques we set in motion together. Follow a Map to create changes and shifts to all you do. Together we can make great things happen. Near New Milford, Ct, there are still some spots available to join us in the studio. Too far away? Join us online and be a part of the group.

Share your Voice. Share your gifts.

Be a Force for Good.

Inspire by Doing. Here’s some added inspiration of women who are manifesting good in the world.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” Jane Goodall

Pastel Landscape My Now

Magic Sky, look around yourself in gratitude

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An Art Practice is like a Flowing River

In Memory of Pat Gullett, April 29, 2024

It is with great sorrow and difficulty that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Pat on Monday, April 29, 2024. She was at home and passed peacefully while asleep. Words cannot describe how much we will miss her love of life, love of her family, creativity, kindness and the spiritual impact she made…

Moon Goddess
Future Memory
Eclipse Bear
Spring Storms
Hawk Power
Raven of New Light
Spring Equinox Moon
Magical Light
Shift In Perspective