A trip planned a year ago, took us to Jensen’s on the Gulf, a cluster of cute houses right on the beach of Captiva Island. Our ‘Penthouse’ suite was the 3rd floor of the main house, well stocked with all necessities. There would be no room service, so we were left on our own to pretend we had our very own beach house. The Beach stretched out with seashells as far as the eye could see! Not a piece of driftwood or rock anywhere. Neither were there reliable internet connections! So interesting to discover yourself away from FB, gmail, or even Instagram!
We walked the beach at least twice a day. A short beach walk took us to the Mucky Duck and the ‘heart’ of town, where all the restaurants resided. The wind kept it on the cooler side, but there’s something about walking in the sea, feeling the sand between your toes, and being awed by one beautiful seashell after another. The only real rule was to not take anything living…and plenty of those washed up on the sand, too! At first, you’re just amazed by the amount of gorgeous shell treasure lying everywhere. Then as the days go by, you start to look for the unique/rare shells. By the end of your stay, your find yourself returning shells back to the sea, to be polished by the waves, and re-discovered by another shell hunter.
Each day at around 4:00, a huge, beautiful osprey would glide through our area, cracking branches off trees to build her nest. They are said to have up to a 48″ wingspan. She magnificently fit right into this exotic paradise.
Layer after layer of concerns peeled off of me as each day went by. I started to wonder what seemed so important that had to be done back home? The sea was cleansing me, bringing peace to body and soul. I felt lighter, more mindful of the waves, the land, and the few people there sharing it with me. Everyone was drawn to this place by the sea, as though we were one consciousness seeking the feelings of awe, beauty, sunsets, and power beyond ourselves. These are feelings I want to bring home to have again and again.
Consciousness is awareness in this moment of time. In my inner space, I can allow the problems of ‘out there’ to consume me, OR I can return to this full body consciousness lightness of being. It’s my space of creator energy, where I choose awareness for the life I desire, and then let the Universe expand and express that energy exponentially. It all begins with mindfulness that I am the True Conscious Creator of my life. By choosing unlimited imagination and creativity in all I do, by acknowledging I Exist this day & have a choice where to focus my energy, I bring myself out of the routine, and into the magic. I like it there, very much!

Ohhhh Captiva is truly a magical place. A place out of time, where presence is the only reality. The elements combine to create this space between, a place of power and beauty. How wonderful for you to immerse yourself in its beauty and magic.
Beautifully put, Karen! It’s as though thinking mind was left home as I deepened into all my physical senses! Really living in the moment!