Overcoming Fear Takes Commitment
Overcoming fear isn’t easy, quick, or rational. It’s a day to day commitment to life. The above Bear is from a photo I took last week of this adorable young black bear, standing by our deer feeder.
We were thrilled, talked to him through the window, and took pictures of our celebrity. We had this reaction of love because we’ve overcome our fear of wilderness, woods, and feeling isolated.
First came the decision. That was the toughest part. Leaving ‘home’, Chicago, to start life on the East Coast. I had never been to Connecticut until I had to look for a house. Leaving family, a lifestyle, and my business behind to head for the unknown wasn’t easy.
Once I make a decision, I am tenacious. My fear switches over to excitement and curiosity. Exploring a new land, a fresh start, is deep within our ancient DNA. Since college, I’ve always chosen to do what I fear.
Secondly came the commitment to making this move work. We had to learn to adapt in every way. Action was taken. The Doing, the exploring, took away the doubts. Each accomplishment, like finding my way home from the grocery store through scenic, winding roads, instilled more confidence in me.
This is Life. Fears will always pop up. Our inner child dreads them and needs reassurance. Overcoming fears is a journey that begins with a decision, whether it’s to pursue our passion, make a move, or shift jobs. Decide, make a choice. Commit to your new life. Immerse yourself in making it work. Take Action in baby steps, and you will build confidence, which changes everything.
Overcoming Fear of Feeling Fearful
Art helped me move through fear. Is your passion art? Doing art about my life, got me through deepest grief, doubts about my business choices, and major moves across the country. Art is my visual diary on canvas. Each has a story to tell.
Come back to yourself, your confidence, and life. Do a Fire ritual when you are ready to move on. First, write your fears down and thank them for helping you survive in the world. Then, declare you are ready to honor the person you are becoming, without the fear holding you back. When ready, burn the fears away. Let the smoke carry you to a new life.
Commit to moving forward, taking a chance, and trusting to live your Truest Self. Find out more about the Foundation of Art in 30 Days class to experiment and discover your Self.

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