It’s time to Binge on sunsets, peaceful lakes, and starry nights!
I can remember when my family would all relax together with a Friday night TV show….Twilight Zone, The Avengers, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Rawhide. A rerun here & there, an old movie, all just laid back, contained within the hour, entertainment for everyone TV.
Today, thanks to FX research dept., we know that there were 350 scripted series last season including streaming, cable, and broadcast TV. Many of these shows are really good, if you had the time to sift through them. Time Magazines figures you would need 146 straight days to view it all, without stopping for eating, and not switching to news, sports, commercials, or talk shows. And Tivo will soon enable each of us to record 3 yrs worth of shows! Talk about overwhelm!
When did entertainment become Binging? A new show arrives on the scene, and after the first episode, it may be available in its entirety, all 10 or 13 shows at once, for your ‘viewing pleasure’!!!??? Not my viewing pleasure. It’s time to disconnect, lessen the stress in all areas, reclaim our health, be grounded, and set new priorities. Let’s obsess over improving life for ourselves, families or friends. Let’s become addicted to taking in Nature’s beauty, scents, sounds, and experiences whenever possible. Let’s set time aside to relax and rejuvenate our bodies, minds, and souls. Let’s consciously make a shift and apply Quality Control Living to each day.
Science has recently found a part of our chromosomes that protects genetic data called TELOMERES. Stress hormones of adrenaline and cortisol break down these strands, which can cut a decade off our lives. But studies on lengthening these telomeres are making great strides to reverse the aging process, bring back youthful vision, flexibility, and vitality. All that you experience, take in, or focus on, affects you down to your cellular level….so let’s make it telomere worthy!

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