Sacred Magical Herons and Cranes

Sacred Magical Herons and Cranes

Sacred Magical Herons and Cranes are symbolic of being centered and at peace with ones True Self. All ancient civilizations honored them as masters over the three worlds of air, land, and water. Their power is the feminine gentle goddess, the Mother over all. 3 Magic Herons represent the 3 Basic Necessities of Life to…Continue Reading

3 Steps to Discover True Self

3 Steps to Discover True Self

3 Steps to Discover True Self begin with deep listening. My first rabbit painting long ago was titled Deep Listening. As I went through the decision making process of changing my life and leaving a many years career of teaching art in high schools, I would draw sketches of my pet rabbit, Bunskers. She was…Continue Reading

Seeking The Mystery

Seeking The Mystery

Seeking the Mystery isn’t just for full moons and Solstices. Too often seeking personal quiet time, lighting the candle, and burning the incense, are kept for special times. This isn’t just a gift to receive on your birthday. The Mystery is always there, waiting for you to hear Her call. But, it does require your…Continue Reading

Wisdom & Balance For Life

Wisdom & Balance For Life

Wisdom & Balance for life means listening and trusting yourself. So often our expectations are led by our inner critic. That’s the one that may want to move you forward in an unrealistic way. For me, that was pressure to get the art out to sell, compare myself to other artists, create more classes, create…Continue Reading

Two Winning Combinations for Art and Life

Two Winning Combinations for Art and Life

Two Winning Combinations for Art and Life can easily be followed in all you do. I discovered that consciously doing these 2 things, made art making more fun, and life more interesting. First of all, when starting something new, go with what you ‘know’. You are filled with life experiences that can relate to your…Continue Reading

How to Take the Inner Journey: Rabbits of Balance

How to Take the Inner Journey: Rabbits of Balance

How to take the Inner Journey begins with your favorite spirit animal at this time. For me, Rabbits of Balance, Imagination, and Inner Journey go together. Our rabbit has returned to the yard! She’s so aware, always listening, and so fast once she’s decided on a direction. At this full moon time, with Summer Solstice…Continue Reading

The Source of All Life

The Source of All Life

The Source of all Life has been recognized as the vast Sea, the Mother Ocean, with never ending waves upon the shore, by nearly every ancient civilization. Furthermore, traces of our Earth Mother, Amphitrite, Sedna, Yemaya, Oshun, or Mither are carried in the salt water of our womb and tears. What are we made of?…Continue Reading

Jeweled Nests Are A Portal

Jeweled Nests Are A Portal

Jeweled Nests are a Portal to rebirth every day. You’re building jeweled nests or messy whatever nests every day, whether you know it or not. Just like the New Moon, each day has the power to become a new beginning filled with adventure, interest, and growth. First of all, nests are your foundation for your…Continue Reading

Owl Is The Keeper of Hidden Truths

Owl Is The Keeper of Hidden Truths

Owl is the Keeper of Hidden Truths, guardian of the transition time between day and night, between living in the dark and seeing your truth. Since ancient times, she has been a symbol of wisdom, deep hidden knowledge, and times of change. She follows the Moon, gliding silently on flights through forests, hillsides, and streams,…Continue Reading

Sacred Magical Herons and Cranes
3 Steps to Discover True Self
Seeking The Mystery
Wisdom & Balance For Life
Two Winning Combinations for Art and Life
How to Take the Inner Journey: Rabbits of Balance
The Source of All Life
Jeweled Nests Are A Portal
Imagine a portal
Owl Is The Keeper of Hidden Truths