The Stories You Tell

The Stories You Tell

The Stories you tell, the words you use, all create your reality. Be aware of the names you call yourself. Also, consciously choose words for what you want to be, have, or know. I’ve been focusing on ‘healing’ lately. My rotator cuff has a small tear and carpal tunnel is beginning on my left dominant…Continue Reading

Staying Loyal to Your Path

Staying Loyal to Your Path

Staying Loyal to Your Path without worldly distractions is Wolf’s message to us today. I haven’t painted wolf in a long time. Wolf has always meant inner wisdom, so it’s interesting that She has entered my art again these days. Several Spirit Animals have returned to me after many years away. There are two parts…Continue Reading

The Deep Knowing Of the Soul

The Deep Knowing Of the Soul

The deep knowing of the soul comes with listening in quiet times. Always start anything with the things you ‘know’. These are solid beginnings that lead to the next step. I knew for some days that I wanted to paint a beautiful, lovely white fox. In addition, some years ago, there was a gorgeous picture…Continue Reading

Living From Intuition

Living From Intuition

Living from Intuition creates Magic! Before Covid, most of our lives were filled with schedules, deadlines, and time frames to fit all the ‘have to’s’ in. There wasn’t time to experience, to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us, or to allow feelings to guide us to the next best thing. However, we’ve been given a…Continue Reading

Pause, Reset, Equinox

Pause, Reset, Equinox

Pause, Reset, Equinox: Entering New Realms. Create the Life You want to Live. I’ve always seen this time of the year, the spring midpoint between Winter and Summer Solstice, as a great opportunity to begin fresh. As the great Sun pauses on the Equator in its journey back north, these days seem frozen in time.…Continue Reading

Transition, Change, Cycles

Transition, Change, Cycles

Transition, Change, Cycles, Promises of Spring. I wanted the water to look icy! Plus, there are 1000 tones of white, and our snow outside is icy, shiny, silvery in the light. That’s what I was seeking. Pure free-flowing Titanium White, applied with a palette knife, worked perfectly. I remember walking with friends on the stone…Continue Reading

The Search For Answers

The Search For Answers

The search for answers, or for titles for paintings, often takes us looking out ‘there’ for answers. It’s the first place I go. I check what messages have magically been sent my way for direction. Then I discover, Edward Vilga, a guy so full of interesting things to say, talking about getting ‘signs from the…Continue Reading

Discovering the Magic

Discovering the Magic

Discovering the Magic takes some exploring in the new. Old patterns hold no magic anymore. They become mundane, routine, and a bit boring. To stay in the game, we have to up our approach, take a chance, and delve into the Unknown! Plus, it can be an exciting way to live. The above painting is…Continue Reading